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Презентация на тему урока по английскому языку в 4 классе по теме Что ты возьмешь с собой в дорогу. Документ 2

What do you need take with you.
Урок английского языка в 4 классе по теме «Что ты возьмешь с What do you need  take with you. The first command1) [bı'nɒkjƱlǝz]Game «Who is faster?»The second command5) [rɅksæk] 2) [tɔ:tʃ]3) Finger gameOne, two, three, four, five.Fingers went to walk.This finger went to To be I amHe isShe is It isWe areYou areThey aregoing Arina and Egor: We are going to live in the rain forest What do you need take with you. Vlad: I am going to go fishing. I need… What do you need take with you. Danil: I am going to go skiing in the mountains. I need… What do you need take with you. физминуткаHands up, hands down.Hands on hips, sit down.Hands up, to the sideBent Lera: I am going to a swimming pool. I need… What do you need take with you. Zhenya and Alina: We are going to go bird-watching in our park. We need… What do you need take with you. Ilya and Ksenia: We are going on an adventure holiday. We need… What do you need take with you. Home workEx. 20, p. 71 Thank you for the lesson. GOOD BYE!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 3 The first

1) [bı'nɒkjƱlǝz]

Game «Who is faster?»

The second

The first command1) [bı'nɒkjƱlǝz]Game «Who is faster?»The second command5) [rɅksæk] 2)


5) [rɅksæk]

2) [tɔ:tʃ]

3) [læmp]

4) [klaımıŋ rǝƱp]

5) [su:tkeıs]

4) [fɜ:st'eıd kıt]

1) [skı:bu:ts]

3) [tent]

2) [reıdıǝƱ]

Слайд 4 Finger game
One, two, three, four, five.
Fingers went to

Finger gameOne, two, three, four, five.Fingers went to walk.This finger went

This finger went to the forest.
This finger found mushroom.

finger cleaned mushroom.
This finger cooked mushroom.
This finger only ate.
This finger fat and fat.

Слайд 5 To be
I am
He is
She is
It is

To be I amHe isShe is It isWe areYou areThey aregoing

You are
They are

Слайд 6 Arina and Egor: We are going to live

Arina and Egor: We are going to live in the rain

in the rain forest and climb up some high

cliffs. We need…

Слайд 7 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 8 Vlad: I am going to go fishing. I

Vlad: I am going to go fishing. I need…


Слайд 9 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 10 Danil: I am going to go skiing in

Danil: I am going to go skiing in the mountains. I need…

the mountains. I need…

Слайд 11 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 12 физминутка
Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, sit down.

физминуткаHands up, hands down.Hands on hips, sit down.Hands up, to the

up, to the side
Bent left, bent right.
1,2,3,4, - hop.

1,2,3,4 – stop!

Слайд 13 Lera: I am going to a swimming pool.

Lera: I am going to a swimming pool. I need…

I need…

Слайд 14 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 15 Zhenya and Alina: We are going to go

Zhenya and Alina: We are going to go bird-watching in our park. We need…

bird-watching in our park. We need…

Слайд 16 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 17 Ilya and Ksenia: We are going on an

Ilya and Ksenia: We are going on an adventure holiday. We need…

adventure holiday. We need…

Слайд 18 What do you need take with you.

What do you need take with you.

Слайд 19 Home work
Ex. 20, p. 71

Home workEx. 20, p. 71

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