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Презентация на тему Primary schools презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

School lifeclassroom, toy soldier, basketball, difficult, work, jump, blackboard, Sunday, pencil, pen, fruit, timetable, comfortable, important, song, window, bookcase, subject, Maths, cat, Handicraft, class, uniform, elephant, rubber, ruler, play
Primary schoolsRumiantseva M.V. School lifeclassroom, toy soldier, basketball, difficult, work, jump, blackboard, Sunday, pencil, pen, Schools in Great Britain have namesSt. Mary’s primary schoolGreen Hill primary school Schools in Russia Schools in Russia Russian and English SchoolsCorrect these sentences.1. English children begin school on the Thank you! Homework: …
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 School life
classroom, toy soldier, basketball, difficult, work, jump,

School lifeclassroom, toy soldier, basketball, difficult, work, jump, blackboard, Sunday, pencil,

blackboard, Sunday, pencil, pen, fruit, timetable, comfortable, important, song,

window, bookcase, subject, Maths, cat, Handicraft, class, uniform, elephant, rubber, ruler, play

Слайд 3 Schools in Great Britain have names
St. Mary’s primary

Schools in Great Britain have namesSt. Mary’s primary schoolGreen Hill primary school

Green Hill primary school

Слайд 4 Schools in Russia

Schools in Russia

Слайд 5 Schools in Russia

Schools in Russia

Слайд 6 Russian and English Schools
Correct these sentences.
1. English children

Russian and English SchoolsCorrect these sentences.1. English children begin school on

begin school on the 1st of September.
2. English

children begin school at the age of seven.
3. They number English schools, as in Russia.
4. English children spend four years in primary school and finish it at the age of nine.
5. English children have no classes outdoors.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-primary-schools-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0