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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Актуализация лексики урока 1а City vs Country Spotlight, 7 класс


lifestyle healthy unhealthy unhealthy lifestyle lead unhealthy lifestyle lead lead a lonely life lead a lonely lifelead a cat and dog life lead a lonely lifelead a cat and dog lifelead a discussion employ employment unemployment low rate high rate high cost low rate of unemployment Heavy Heavy heavy traffic Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire heavy looses Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire heavy looses heavy blow low cost high cost of living noise pollution constant constant noise constant constantconstant friend constantconstant friendconstant index constantconstant friendconstant indexconstant speed noisebig noisemake a noise noisebig noisemake a noiseCut the noise! Crowded streets Crowd Public transport public publicpublic place publicpublic placepublic opinion convenient convenient transport convenient convenientlocation convenientlocationtime convenientlocationtimetool quality high quality focus on quality focus on qualityhigh quality focus on qualityhigh qualitylow quality high quality lifestyle fresh fresh air fresh airfresh meat, milk fresh airfresh meat, milka fresh eye isolated isolatedfeeling feeling fresh feeling freshfeeling bad feeling freshfeeling badfeeling cold peace and quietpeace helpful peoplefriendly help - helpful help - helpfulbeauty - help - helpfulbeauty - beautiful help - helpfulbeauty - beautifulcolour - help - helpfulbeauty - beautifulcolour - colourful landscapesbeautiful scapelandlandscape
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 healthy


Слайд 3 unhealthy


Слайд 4 unhealthy lifestyle

unhealthy lifestyle

Слайд 5 lead unhealthy lifestyle

lead unhealthy lifestyle

Слайд 7 lead a lonely life

lead a lonely life

Слайд 8 lead a lonely life
lead a cat and dog

lead a lonely lifelead a cat and dog life


Слайд 9 lead a lonely life
lead a cat and dog

lead a lonely lifelead a cat and dog lifelead a discussion

lead a discussion

Слайд 10 employ


Слайд 11 employment


Слайд 12 unemployment


Слайд 13 low rate

low rate

Слайд 14 high rate

high rate

Слайд 15 high cost

high cost

Слайд 16 low rate of unemployment

low rate of unemployment

Слайд 18 Heavy heavy traffic

Heavy heavy traffic

Слайд 19 Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire

Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire

Слайд 20 Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire heavy looses

Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire heavy looses

Слайд 21 Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire heavy looses heavy blow

Heavy heavy traffic heavy fire heavy looses heavy blow

Слайд 22 low cost

low cost

Слайд 23 high cost of living

high cost of living

Слайд 25 pollution


Слайд 26 constant


Слайд 27 constant noise

constant noise

Слайд 28 constant


Слайд 29 constant
constant friend

constantconstant friend

Слайд 30 constant
constant friend
constant index

constantconstant friendconstant index

Слайд 31 constant
constant friend
constant index
constant speed

constantconstant friendconstant indexconstant speed

Слайд 32 noise
big noise
make a noise

noisebig noisemake a noise

Слайд 33 noise
big noise
make a noise
Cut the noise!

noisebig noisemake a noiseCut the noise!

Слайд 34 Crowded streets

Crowded streets

Слайд 36 Public transport

Public transport

Слайд 37 public


Слайд 38 public
public place

publicpublic place

Слайд 39 public
public place
public opinion

publicpublic placepublic opinion

Слайд 40 convenient


Слайд 41 convenient transport

convenient transport

Слайд 42 convenient


Слайд 43 convenient


Слайд 44 convenient


Слайд 45 convenient


Слайд 46 quality


Слайд 47 high quality

high quality

Слайд 48 focus on quality

focus on quality

Слайд 49 focus on quality
high quality

focus on qualityhigh quality

Слайд 50 focus on quality
high quality
low quality

focus on qualityhigh qualitylow quality

Слайд 51 high quality lifestyle

high quality lifestyle

Слайд 53 fresh air

fresh air

Слайд 54 fresh air
fresh meat, milk

fresh airfresh meat, milk

Слайд 55 fresh air
fresh meat, milk
a fresh eye

fresh airfresh meat, milka fresh eye

Слайд 56 isolated


Слайд 57 isolated


Слайд 58 feeling fresh

feeling fresh

Слайд 59 feeling fresh
feeling bad

feeling freshfeeling bad

Слайд 60 feeling fresh
feeling bad
feeling cold

feeling freshfeeling badfeeling cold

Слайд 62 and quiet

and quietpeace

Слайд 63 helpful people

helpful peoplefriendly

Слайд 64 help - helpful

help - helpful

Слайд 65 help - helpful
beauty -

help - helpfulbeauty -

Слайд 66 help - helpful
beauty - beautiful

help - helpfulbeauty - beautiful

Слайд 67 help - helpful
beauty - beautiful
colour -

help - helpfulbeauty - beautifulcolour -

Слайд 68 help - helpful
beauty - beautiful
colour - colourful

help - helpfulbeauty - beautifulcolour - colourful

Слайд 69 landscapes


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-aktualizatsiya-leksiki-uroka-1a-city-vs-country-spotlight-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 0