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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для 8 классов на тему Преступление и наказание OUP Matrix

Special tasks for ideal solicitorsQuick filler!Find a pair to the following verbs:combine, define, explain, inform, invite, suspect.Combination, definition, explanation, information, invitation, suspicion.
Crimes and PunishmentsWhich of the crimes do you consider to be the Special tasks for ideal solicitorsQuick filler!Find a pair to the following verbs:combine, Do you know the following words?1. A person who commits a crime: 8. To recognize a particular person or thing:  a) to Talking about meaning Do you know the meanings of these crimes and Criminal situations1. While walking home last night, you noticed a man and to crown it all RightНазад WrongНазад
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Special tasks for ideal solicitors
Quick filler!
Find a pair

Special tasks for ideal solicitorsQuick filler!Find a pair to the following

to the following verbs:
combine, define, explain, inform, invite, suspect.

definition, explanation, information, invitation, suspicion.

Слайд 3
Do you know the following words?

1. A person

Do you know the following words?1. A person who commits a

who commits a crime:
a) a criminal

a) a criminal, b) a lawyer a) a criminal, b) a lawyer, c) a burglar

2. To take something that belongs to another person without permission:
a) to rob a) to rob, b) to mug a) to rob, b) to mug, c) to steal

3. Money offered for helping the police to find a criminal or something which has been stolen
a) a fine a) a fine, b) a ransom a) a fine, b) a ransom, c) a reward

4. A person who is thought to have committed a crime:
a) a suspect a) a suspect, b) a criminal a) a suspect, b) a criminal, c) a burglar

5. A person who sees a crime, and who appears in court to give evidence about it:
a) a jury a) a jury, b) a theft a) a jury, b) a theft, c) a witness

6. A place where people are kept as a punishment for crimes:
a) a hospital a) a hospital; b) a prison a) a hospital; b) a prison; c) a police office.

7. A person who enters a building by force in order to steal:
a) a criminal a) a criminal; b) a theft a) a criminal; b) a theft; c) a burglar.


Слайд 4
8. To recognize a particular person or

8. To recognize a particular person or thing: a) to

a) to identify a) to identify;

b) to suspect a) to identify; b) to suspect; c) to watch.

9. Money paid for the release of a person held as a prisoner:
a) a reward a) a reward; b) a ransom a) a reward; b) a ransom; c) a fine.

10. To take and to keep someone as a prisoner with the authority of the law:
a) to arrest a) to arrest; b) to sentence a) to arrest; b) to sentence; c) to catch.

11. Someone who steals things:
a) a criminal a) a criminal; b) a mugger a) a criminal; b) a mugger; c) a thief.

12. Someone who attacks and steals from people in a public place:
a) a robber a) a robber; b) a mugger a) a robber; b) a mugger; c) a burglar.

13. The punishment given by a court of law:
a) a fine a) a fine; b) a sentence a) a fine; b) a sentence; c) a penalty.

14. Someone with authority to decide cases in a court of law:
a) a jury a) a jury; b) a judge a) a jury; b) a judge; c) a solicitor.

15. Killing a person unintentionally:
a) a manslaughter a) a manslaughter; b) a murder a) a manslaughter; b) a murder; c) a fraud.

Слайд 5 Talking about meaning
Do you know the meanings

Talking about meaning Do you know the meanings of these crimes

of these crimes and punishments?
speeding, kidnapping, mugging,

theft, robbery, burglary, murder, fraud, parking illegally.
physical punishment, the death penalty, a prison sentence, a fine, a community service

Слайд 6 Criminal situations
1. While walking home last night, you

Criminal situations1. While walking home last night, you noticed a man

noticed a man and a woman breaking into a

car. You telephone the police to report the crime and tell them everything you know.
2. You work at the police station. You have arrested a suspect and want ask him questions.
3. You are a lawyer. You want to defend the criminal. You are going to ask him questions.
4. You are a jury, you are to decide whether accused person guilty or not.

Слайд 7

to crown it all

to crown it all

Слайд 8 Right


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