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Презентация на тему computers and The Internet

What do we use Internet for?to find and share informationto google things for quick answersto studyto listen to/download music and videoto play online gamesto send and get emailsto chat onlineto buy things onlineto work to plan
Computers and the Internet What do we use Internet for?to find and share informationto google things Reading taskhuge- громадныйnetwork- сетьdatabase- база данныхe- mail-электронная почтаservice- службаsearch- искатьsearch programme- поисковая программа The web/ the net= the Internet (short ways, short forms)You can find Stream – when you watch the movie onlineUser name- a name used sign in, the net, look it up, googled, the net, click, username, sign in, the net, look it up, googled, the net, click, username,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What do we use Internet for?
to find and

What do we use Internet for?to find and share informationto google

share information
to google things for quick answers
to study
to listen

to/download music and video
to play online games
to send and get emails
to chat online
to buy things online
to work
to plan and book trips
to share your opinion
to make money

Слайд 3 Reading task
huge- громадный
network- сеть
database- база данных
e- mail-электронная почта

Reading taskhuge- громадныйnetwork- сетьdatabase- база данныхe- mail-электронная почтаservice- службаsearch- искатьsearch programme- поисковая программа

search- искать
search programme- поисковая программа

Слайд 4 The web/ the net= the Internet (short ways,

The web/ the net= the Internet (short ways, short forms)You can

short forms)You can find that on the web or

you can find it on the net.
Sign up= to register
Sign in =(every time you’re going to the website you have to sign in, so means to enter your account)
Download= take the information from the internet and put it on your computer)
Upload = opposite, you take The information from your computer and you put it on to the Internet) for example you can upload photos if you have a facebook account.

Слайд 5
Stream – when you watch the movie online

Stream – when you watch the movie onlineUser name- a name

name- a name used to indentify yourself
Log out =

when you finish using your account
Google (n) (v)= look for the information on the website ‘Google’
‘Google it!’
Facebook (n) (v)= to write some information in the Facebook

Слайд 6 sign in, the net, look it up, googled,

sign in, the net, look it up, googled, the net, click,

the net, click, username, upload
1. Hold on, I just

need to _______ _______ to check my email.
Hold on, I just need to sign in to Gmail to check my email.
2. If you don't know when Rihanna was born, just _______________ on Wikipedia.
If you don't know when Rihanna was born, just look it up on Wikipedia.
3. Before I think of a password, I need to create a ____________ for my account.
Before I think of a password, I need to create a username for my account.
4. I ___________ my own name yesterday, and my Facebook page appeared first.
I googled my own name yesterday, and my Facebook page appeared first.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-computers-and-the-internet.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 0