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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему В лесу родилась елочка (2-4 класс)

A fir – tree was born in the wood.And in the wood was seen.
A Fir-tree was Born in the WoodУчитель английского языка ГБОУ Гимназия «Свиблово» A fir – tree was born in the wood.And in the wood was seen. In summer and in winter coldIt always was green In summer and in winter cold it always was green A snow-stormSang song to it :“Sleep, little tree,Bye, bye”. And frost with snow Covered it: “Sleep, little tree, Don't die”. And frost with snow Covered it: “Sleep, little tree, Don't die”. But now it is shining  with many , many toys And all the boys, and all the girls are very, very joyous And all the boys, and all the girls are very, very joyous A Fir-tree was born in the woodAnd in the wood  was seen In summer and in winter coldIt always was green. In summer and in winter cold It always was green. Использованные ресурсы:http://wallpaperbeta.com/wallpaper_3840x2160/christmas_toy_live_tree_holidays_ultra_3840x2160_hd-wallpaper-314856.jpghttp://www.s2.ob5.ru/download/34286/1920x1080http://plus8-db.com/item/starinnye-novogodnie-otkrytki-s-zaycamihttp://www.tapeteos.pl/data/media/185/big/swieta__boze_narodzenie_2880x1800_011_choinka__szyszki.jpg http://wap.mobilmusic.ru/filelogo.html?id=534164http://godfatherstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/nature-landscapes_widewallpaper_christmas-tree_.jpghttp://www.rewalls.com/download/73078/2560x1600http://desktopwallpapers.org.ua/download/9978/1280x1024/http://images5.alphacoders.com/337/337881.jpghttps://w-dog.ru/wallpaper/elka-olen-sani-novyj-god-zvezda/id/127442/http://walls.com.ua/images/201311/walls.com.ua_46394.jpghttp://likefon.com/uploads/p1g/elka-fentezi-novyy-god.jpghttp://wap.mobilmusic.ru/filelogo.html?id=1086355https://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper_3840x2160/xmas_snow_tree_globe_christmas_abstract_3d_ultra_3840x2160_hd-wallpaper-1893559.jpg
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 A fir – tree was born in the

A fir – tree was born in the wood.And in the wood was seen.

And in the wood was seen.

Слайд 3 In summer and in winter cold
It always was

In summer and in winter coldIt always was green


Слайд 4 In summer and in winter cold it always was

In summer and in winter cold it always was green


Слайд 5

A snow-storm
Sang song to it :
“Sleep, little tree,

A snow-stormSang song to it :“Sleep, little tree,Bye, bye”.


Слайд 6 And frost with snow Covered it: “Sleep, little tree, Don't die”.

And frost with snow Covered it: “Sleep, little tree, Don't die”.

Слайд 7 And frost with snow Covered it: “Sleep, little tree, Don't die”.

And frost with snow Covered it: “Sleep, little tree, Don't die”.

Слайд 8 But now it is shining with many ,

But now it is shining with many , many toys

many toys

Слайд 9 And all the boys, and all the girls

And all the boys, and all the girls are very, very joyous

are very, very joyous

Слайд 10 And all the boys, and all the girls

And all the boys, and all the girls are very, very joyous

are very, very joyous

Слайд 11

A Fir-tree was born in the wood
And in

A Fir-tree was born in the woodAnd in the wood was seen

the wood
was seen

Слайд 12 In summer and in winter cold
It always was

In summer and in winter coldIt always was green.


Слайд 13 In summer and in winter cold It always was

In summer and in winter cold It always was green.


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-v-lesu-rodilas-elochka-2-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
  • Количество скачиваний: 0