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Презентация на тему по Английскому языку EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAIN

Education in GeneralThe school year begins in September Full-time education is compulsory up to the 16 years Christmas holidays - 2 weeks Easter holidays —
EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAINThe presentation is made by Tsymbalova Anna Education in GeneralThe school year begins in September Full-time education is compulsory Marks:A 90-100 – excellentB 80-89 – goodC 70-79 – satisfactoryD 60-69 – badE 0-59 – poor Sport in British schools The most popular sports are football, basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby. 3 stages of education: PRIMARY   (5-11)SECONDARY  (11-16)FURTHER   (16-18) Nursery schoolsFrom the age of 3PlayHave lunchsleep PRIMARY EDUCATIONINFANT SCHOOLS  (5-7)JUNIOR SCHOOLS (7-11)Learn the first steps in reading,Writing, Secondary schools State schools - are free -schools provide  their pupils with books SECONDARY EDUCATIONMODERN SCHOOLS(study practical subjects)GRAMMAR SCHOOLSCOMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS (education for children from all strata)Technical SCHOOLS COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS  Not controlled by the stateSeparete for boys and girlsHigh Private schoolsPrivate schoolsEton WINCHESTER RugbyHarrowPublic schools educate the ruling class of England. The end of compulsory education is marked by taking GCSE (General Certificate Curriculum1988curriculum means different courses of study for different students The aim of Most schools in Britain require children to RulesPupils at many secondary schools have to wear a school uniform. no
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Education in General
The school year begins in September

Education in GeneralThe school year begins in September Full-time education is

Full-time education is compulsory
up to the 16 years

Christmas holidays - 2 weeks
Easter holidays — 2 weeks
Summer holidays — 6 weeks

Слайд 3 Marks:
A 90-100 – excellent
B 80-89 – good
C 70-79

Marks:A 90-100 – excellentB 80-89 – goodC 70-79 – satisfactoryD 60-69 – badE 0-59 – poor

– satisfactory
D 60-69 – bad
E 0-59 – poor

Слайд 4 Sport in British schools

The most popular

Sport in British schools The most popular sports are football, basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby.

are football,
basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby.

Слайд 5 3 stages of education:
PRIMARY (5-11)

3 stages of education: PRIMARY  (5-11)SECONDARY (11-16)FURTHER  (16-18)

FURTHER (16-18)

Слайд 6 Nursery schools
From the age of 3
Have lunch

Nursery schoolsFrom the age of 3PlayHave lunchsleep

Learn the first steps

PRIMARY EDUCATIONINFANT SCHOOLS (5-7)JUNIOR SCHOOLS (7-11)Learn the first steps in reading,Writing,

in reading,
Writing, using numbers
Take exams in core subjects

Слайд 8 Secondary schools

Secondary schools

Слайд 9 State schools
- are free
-schools provide

State schools - are free -schools provide their pupils with books

their pupils with books and equipment

for their studies

Private schools
(Independent schools)
-parents pay money for these schools

Compulsary from 5 till 16


Слайд 10

(study practical subjects)

SECONDARY EDUCATIONMODERN SCHOOLS(study practical subjects)GRAMMAR SCHOOLSCOMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS (education for children from all strata)Technical SCHOOLS

for children
from all strata)
Technical SCHOOLS

Not controlled by the state
Separete for

COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS Not controlled by the stateSeparete for boys and girlsHigh

boys and girls
High fee
Train for political, diplomatic, religuous service

Слайд 12 Private schools
Private schools
Public schools educate the

Private schoolsPrivate schoolsEton WINCHESTER RugbyHarrowPublic schools educate the ruling class of

ruling class of England.
These schools are famous
for their

ability to lay the foundation of a successful future by giving their
pupils self- confidence

was founded in 1440 by the English king Henry VI

Слайд 13 The end of compulsory education is marked by

The end of compulsory education is marked by taking GCSE (General

taking GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations.

Слайд 14 Curriculum
curriculum means different courses of study for different

Curriculum1988curriculum means different courses of study for different students The aim

The aim of the National Curriculum is to

raise standards of education, make sure all children learn basic skills, and prepare them for work or further study.

Слайд 15
Most schools in

Most schools in Britain require children to wear

Britain require children to wear a school uniform.

School uniform

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-education-in-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0