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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по теме: Страны изучаемого языка. Национальные праздники

The Mayflower
Letter from TatianaDear Natalia,Hi! How are you? Thanks for your letter, it The Mayflower The PilgrimsEnglish people who left England because of religious problems settleGo and live somewhere survival – to survive harvestthe amount of crop that is collected feasta large meal for a lot of people, usually to celebrate something fallautumn You shouldYou ought toYou canYou couldIt’s a good idea toYou shouldn’tstart withsay 1. Who were the Pilgrims?a) the Spaniardsb) the English peoplec) the Mexican 4. What name did they call the town they started in America?a) 8. What is the main dish of the feast?a) roast chickenb) roast It was interestingNow I canI’ve learntNow I wantIt was easyIt was boringI was able to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Mayflower

The Mayflower

Слайд 3 The Pilgrims
English people
who left England because of

The PilgrimsEnglish people who left England because of religious problems

religious problems

Слайд 4 settle
Go and live somewhere

settleGo and live somewhere

Слайд 5 survival – to survive

survival – to survive

Слайд 6 harvest
the amount of crop that is collected

harvestthe amount of crop that is collected

Слайд 7 feast
a large meal for a lot of people,

feasta large meal for a lot of people, usually to celebrate something

usually to celebrate something

Слайд 8 fall


Слайд 9 You should
You ought to
You can
You could
It’s a good

You shouldYou ought toYou canYou couldIt’s a good idea toYou shouldn’tstart

idea to
You shouldn’t
start with
say about
give information on
finish with
forget about

Слайд 10 1. Who were the Pilgrims?
a) the Spaniards
b) the

1. Who were the Pilgrims?a) the Spaniardsb) the English peoplec) the

English people
c) the Mexican people
2. How many were they?


b) 150

c) 75


3. When did they start their journey?

a) in the fall of 1621

b) on September 6th 1621

c) on September 6th 1620

Слайд 11 4. What name did they call the town

4. What name did they call the town they started in

they started in America?
a) Bath
b) Plymouth
c) London
5. Who helped

the Pilgrims to survive?

a) Native Americans

b) Mexicans

c) Spaniards

6. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

a) on the 4th Sunday of November

b) on the 4th Saturday of November

c) on the 4th Thursday of November

7. Where do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

a) in a restaurant

b) at home

c) at work

Слайд 12 8. What is the main dish of the

8. What is the main dish of the feast?a) roast chickenb)

a) roast chicken
b) roast turkey
c) roast fish
9. What are

Americans thankful for?

a) food and family

b) friends and school

c) everything they have

10. What do they watch on TV ?

a) a game of cricket

b) a hockey match

c) a football match

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-6-klasse-po-teme-strany-izuchaemogo-yazyka-natsionalnye-prazdniki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 187
  • Количество скачиваний: 0