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Презентация на тему с викториной Знатоки английского языка

Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: on (2), in (2), after, at (2).1. ____ Sundays we don’t go to school.2. What day comes ______ Monday?Onafter
Задания для викторины в 4б классе Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: on (2), in (2), after, 3. I had dinner ____ seven o’clock yesterday.4. My granny doesn’t sleep Complete the question with the right tag question: is she, is it,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: on

Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: on (2), in (2),

(2), in (2), after, at (2).
1. ____ Sundays we

don’t go to school.
2. What day comes ______ Monday?



Слайд 3 3. I had dinner ____ seven o’clock yesterday.

3. I had dinner ____ seven o’clock yesterday.4. My granny doesn’t

My granny doesn’t sleep well ______ night.
5. It is

usually hot ______ July.
6. My birthday is ____ the 2nd of June.
7. I go to school ______ the morning.






Слайд 4 Complete the question with the right tag question:

Complete the question with the right tag question: is she, is

is she, is it, don’t you, aren’t there.
1. She

is never late for parties, __________?
2. You wear a school uniform at school, ___________?
3. There are three pictures on the wall, _______________?
4. The door isn’t clean, ________?

is she

don’t you

aren’t there

is it

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-s-viktorinoy-znatoki-angliyskogo-yazyka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 139
  • Количество скачиваний: 0