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Презентация на тему по теме Appearance

Are these people of different age? Are they of different sex?Are they of different nationalities?
Автор:  Пиунова М. А.преподаватель английского языкаГБПОУ г. МосквыКолледж Связи № 54 Are these people of different age? Are they of different sex?Are they of different nationalities? PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE Read the following words:[ei] height, age, pale, straight, overweight, wavy[i] a bit What do people usually describe if they want to get a clear portrait of a person? What do people usually describe if they want to get a clear portrait of a person? Teenager, overweight, hooked, fair, curly, ugly, handsome, snub, slim,  a scar, The right answers Hair: fair, curly, long, a fringe, a pony-tail, chestnutNose: What’s this? Match the left column to the right 1. a scar2. Match the sentences to the picturesHe has a hair and a scar Finish the sentencesThis man is only 1 metre 52. He’s quite … Finish the sentencesThis man is only 1 metre 52. He’s quite short.Every What do they look like? Describe him.He is … . (возраст)(рост) (телосложение) His eyes are … .His hair is … .* Describe the person.She is … . (возраст)(рост) (телосложение) Her eyes are … Describe the person. Match these words with their meanings:1. It is used for breathing and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Are these people of different age? Are they

Are these people of different age? Are they of different sex?Are they of different nationalities?

of different sex?
Are they of different nationalities?



Слайд 4 Read the following words:
[ei] height, age, pale, straight,

Read the following words:[ei] height, age, pale, straight, overweight, wavy[i] a

overweight, wavy
[i] a bit thin, skinny, wrinkled, well-built, mid-twenties,

[ɔ:] short, long, blond, formal
[ai] spiky, light, shy
[ʌ] ugly, bun, dark, funny

Слайд 5 What do people usually describe if they want

What do people usually describe if they want to get a clear portrait of a person?

to get a clear portrait of a person?

Слайд 6 What do people usually describe if they want

What do people usually describe if they want to get a clear portrait of a person?

to get a clear portrait of a person?

Слайд 7 Teenager, overweight, hooked, fair, curly, ugly, handsome, snub,

Teenager, overweight, hooked, fair, curly, ugly, handsome, snub, slim, a scar,

slim, a scar, a beard, short, good-looking, long, a

fringe, a birth-mark, beautiful, plain, middle-aged, fat, wrinkles, tall, young, freckles, a moustache, pimples, a pony-tail, chestnut, a dark complexion

Hair: …
Nose: …
Weight: …
Age: …
Height: …
Other details: …
General appearance: …

Слайд 8 The right answers
Hair: fair, curly, long, a

The right answers Hair: fair, curly, long, a fringe, a pony-tail,

fringe, a pony-tail, chestnut
Nose: hooked, snub
Weight: overweight, slim,

Age: teenager, middle-aged, young
Height: short, tall
Other details: a scar, a beard, a birth-mark, wrinkles, freckles, a moustache, pimples
General appearance: ugly, handsome, plain, good-looking, beautiful

Слайд 9 What’s this? Match the left column to the

What’s this? Match the left column to the right 1. a


1. a scar
2. a birth-mark
3. pimples
4. a pony-tail


small, hard spots on the skin
a kind of hair style
the result of injury or illness
a mark on the body at or from one’s birth
colour of hair (reddish-brown)

Слайд 11 Match the sentences to the pictures
He has a

Match the sentences to the picturesHe has a hair and a

hair and a scar on his face.
He is young

with dark short hair and brown eyes. He is rather handsome.
These are middle-aged men. They are plain and unattractive.
She’s young and beautiful with fair hair. Her smile is charming.
She is smiling. She has blond hair and a small birth-mark above her lips.







Слайд 12 Finish the sentences
This man is only 1 metre

Finish the sentencesThis man is only 1 metre 52. He’s quite

52. He’s quite … .
Every morning she makes her

hair into a … .
Models are usually … and … .
After a car crash Michael has a … on his face.
He’s from Africa, he’s got … hair.
Fat people usually have a huge stomach and a … chin.
Teenagers often have … on their faces.
John is proud of his wonderful … , he cares about it a lot: cut and brush it every morning.
She has a small … nose, like a knob.

Слайд 13 Finish the sentences
This man is only 1 metre

Finish the sentencesThis man is only 1 metre 52. He’s quite

52. He’s quite short.
Every morning she makes her hair

into a pony-tail.
Models are usually slim and tall.
After a car crash Michael has a scar on his face.
He’s from Africa, he’s got curly hair.
Fat people usually have a huge stomach and a double chin.
Teenagers often have pimples on their faces.
John is proud of his wonderful moustache, he cares about it a lot: cut and brush it every morning.
She has a small snub nose, like a knob.

Слайд 14 What do they look like?

What do they look like?

Слайд 15 Describe him.
He is … .

Describe him.He is … . (возраст)(рост) (телосложение) His eyes are … .His hair is … .*

eyes are … .
His hair is … .

Слайд 16 Describe the person.
She is … .

Describe the person.She is … . (возраст)(рост) (телосложение) Her eyes are

Her eyes are … .
Her hair is … .

Слайд 17 Describe the person.

Describe the person.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-appearance.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0