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Презентация на тему по теме Дикие животные к учебнику Millie 3 unit 5 lesson 2 Animal quize

1) This animal has very long ears, about 29.2 cm long. It often stands on them. When it eats its ears are in its food.an elephanta giraffea dog
ANIMAL QUIZMillie 3 Unit 5 Lesson 2Автор : Городилова Е. ВЧУДО «Школа 1)  This animal has very long ears, about 29.2 cm long. a dog 2) The Komodo Dragon is the world`s biggest lizard. It`s length is30 cm3 m30 m 3 metres 3) How big can a butterfly be?32 cm3 m 20 cm32 m 32 centimetres 4) How many types of domestic cats are there?30 types3000 types30000 types 3000 types 5) A mouse lives for1-2 weeks1-2 months1-2 years 1-2 years 6) Certain frogs can jump up to20 times their own body length40 20 times their own body 7) Cows have12 teeth32 teeth42 teeth 32 teeth 8) Abu is the name of famous cartoon crocodileelephantmonkey monkey 9) Young crocodiles live with their mothersup to two weeksup to two monthup to two years. up to two years 10) Little pigs like playing with ballsare scared when they see ballslike eating balls. like playing with balls THE END
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1) This animal has very long ears,

1) This animal has very long ears, about 29.2 cm long.

about 29.2 cm long. It often stands on them.

When it eats its ears are in its food.

an elephant
a giraffe
a dog

Слайд 3 a dog

a dog

Слайд 4 2) The Komodo Dragon is the world`s biggest

2) The Komodo Dragon is the world`s biggest lizard. It`s length is30 cm3 m30 m

lizard. It`s length is
30 cm
3 m
30 m

Слайд 5 3 metres

3 metres

Слайд 6 3) How big can a butterfly be?
32 cm

3) How big can a butterfly be?32 cm3 m 20 cm32 m

m 20 cm
32 m

Слайд 7 32 centimetres

32 centimetres

Слайд 8 4) How many types of domestic cats are

4) How many types of domestic cats are there?30 types3000 types30000 types

30 types
3000 types
30000 types

Слайд 9 3000 types

3000 types

Слайд 10 5) A mouse lives for
1-2 weeks
1-2 months
1-2 years

5) A mouse lives for1-2 weeks1-2 months1-2 years

Слайд 11 1-2 years

1-2 years

Слайд 12 6) Certain frogs can jump up to
20 times

6) Certain frogs can jump up to20 times their own body

their own body length
40 times their own body length

times their own body length

Слайд 13 20 times their own body

20 times their own body

Слайд 14 7) Cows have
12 teeth
32 teeth
42 teeth

7) Cows have12 teeth32 teeth42 teeth

Слайд 15 32 teeth

32 teeth

Слайд 16 8) Abu is the name of famous cartoon

8) Abu is the name of famous cartoon crocodileelephantmonkey


Слайд 17 monkey


Слайд 18 9) Young crocodiles live with their mothers
up to

9) Young crocodiles live with their mothersup to two weeksup to two monthup to two years.

two weeks
up to two month
up to two years.

Слайд 19 up to two years

up to two years

Слайд 20 10) Little pigs
like playing with balls
are scared

10) Little pigs like playing with ballsare scared when they see ballslike eating balls.

when they see balls
like eating balls.

Слайд 21 like playing with balls

like playing with balls

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-dikie-zhivotnye-k-uchebniku-millie-3-unit-5-lesson-2-animal-quize.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 168
  • Количество скачиваний: 1