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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Sights of Palekh

Palekh is the city-type settlement (since 1927), the administrative center of Palekh district of Ivanovo region. Palekh is the center of lacquered painting.
Sights of PalekhАвтор презентации:Кирьянова Н.В.учитель английского языка МКОУ Майдаковская СШ Palekh is the city-type settlement (since 1927), the administrative center of Palekh The State Museum of Palekh ArtThe opening of the The Dydykin House Workshop The memorial gallery was There are busts of famous writers, artists, composers, cosmonauts and scientists in the museum . The Golikov House Museum  The gallery was The Zinoviev House Museum  The exposition Palekh Art College named after M. GorkyThis is a unique Holy Cross Church It The Monument to the Perished Soldiers The monument dedicated to the We are proud of the historical and cultural heritage of our region.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Palekh is the city-type settlement (since 1927), the

Palekh is the city-type settlement (since 1927), the administrative center of

administrative center of Palekh district of Ivanovo region. Palekh

is the center of lacquered painting.

Слайд 3 The State Museum of Palekh

The State Museum of Palekh ArtThe opening of the


The opening of the gallery occurred in March 1935.

The museum has more than 7 thousand exhibits.

Слайд 5 The Dydykin House Workshop

The Dydykin House Workshop The memorial gallery was opened

The memorial gallery was opened in 1978. The museum

exposition consists of more than a hundred works of the master.

Слайд 6
There are busts of famous writers, artists, composers,

There are busts of famous writers, artists, composers, cosmonauts and scientists in the museum .

cosmonauts and scientists in the museum .

Слайд 7 The Golikov House Museum

The Golikov House Museum The gallery was opened in

The gallery was opened in 1968.In one room of

the house there are only things that belonged to Golikov. Another room is devoted to the work of Palekh artists in post-revolutionary times.

Слайд 8

The Corin

The Corin

House Museum

This is the oldest building in all of Palekh, built in the 1860s. The museum itself was opened in 1974.

Слайд 9 The Zinoviev House

The Zinoviev House Museum The exposition of the

The exposition of the museum consists of the

personal belongings of the master - books, photographs, a large number of paintings made by Zinoviev.

Слайд 10 Palekh Art College named after M.

Palekh Art College named after M. GorkyThis is a unique

This is a unique educational institution in which future

artists are trained in the traditional Palekh miniature and icon painting.

Слайд 11

Holy Cross Church It is an architectural

Holy Cross Church
It is an architectural monument of the

XVIII century. In the cathedral there is an iconostasis in, painted by local masters in rococo style.

Слайд 12 The Monument to the Perished Soldiers
The monument

The Monument to the Perished Soldiers The monument dedicated to

dedicated to the memory of Soviet soldiers who died

in the Great Patriotic War was erected in October 1968. The height of the monument is 14 m.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-sights-of-palekh.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0