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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Мой любимый мультфильм (7 класс)

Main charactersThe main character of this cartoon is Grinch. He lives on the outskirts of Whoville, hates everybody and plans on ruining the Christmas holiday for all of the citizens of the town.Second main character is
My favorite cartoon is the Grinch Main charactersThe main character of this cartoon is Grinch. He lives on Grinch’s dogGrinch has got dog Max.      It Lonelines GrinchIn childhood Grinch was alone in orphanage and every year met THE Type of cartoonThis film is a comedy. This film also teaches Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Main characters
The main character of this cartoon is

Main charactersThe main character of this cartoon is Grinch. He lives

Grinch. He lives on the outskirts of Whoville, hates

everybody and plans on ruining the Christmas holiday for all of the citizens of the town.
Second main character is the little girl from Whoville. She wants to see Santa Claus.

Слайд 3 Grinch’s dog
Grinch has got dog Max.

Grinch’s dogGrinch has got dog Max.   It constantly helped and supported him.

It constantly helped and supported him.

Слайд 4 Lonelines Grinch
In childhood Grinch was alone in orphanage

Lonelines GrinchIn childhood Grinch was alone in orphanage and every year

and every year met Christmas alone, therefore he did

not like Christmas and fun.

When the Grinch tried to steal the holiday the little girl was able to prove to him that he was not alone and needed people.

Слайд 5 THE Type of cartoon
This film is a comedy.

THE Type of cartoonThis film is a comedy. This film also

This film also teaches people to notice and become

friends to single people.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-moy-lyubimyy-multfilm-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 276
  • Количество скачиваний: 17