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Презентация на тему - викторина по английскому языку на тему Определенный артикль с географическими названиями

1. The capital of Canada?
The Quiz: «the»/ «-»  Good luck! 1. The capital of Canada? 2. The capital of the UK? 3. The highest mountain in the world?Everest. 8 848 km. 4. The longest river in the world? The Nile. 6670 km. 5. The largest desert in the world?The Sahara Desert.9 million sq. km. 6. The hottest continent? 7. The biggest planet in the Solar System? 8. The biggest lake in the world with pure water? Lake Baikal.31 722 sq. km. 9. Azimuth 90 ° directed to …? 10. The mountains separating Europe and Asia?The Urals. 11. The largest and deepest ocean?The Pacific Ocean 12. The highest mountain in BritainBen Nevis.1344 m. 13. The driest continent? 14. The biggest country?17 075 thds. Sq.km. 15.The people who lives in Canada? 16.The smallest island?Bish-Rock 17. The most salty sea in the world? 18. The smallest country in the world?Vatican. 3,2 km. 19. The birthplace of the samuraiThe Japanese Islands 20. The «Blue Planet»?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1. The capital of Canada?

1. The capital of Canada?

Слайд 3 2. The capital of the UK?

2. The capital of the UK?

Слайд 4 3. The highest mountain in the world?
Everest. 8

3. The highest mountain in the world?Everest. 8 848 km.

848 km.

Слайд 5 4. The longest river in the world?

4. The longest river in the world? The Nile. 6670 km.

Nile. 6670 km.

Слайд 6 5. The largest desert in the world?
The Sahara

5. The largest desert in the world?The Sahara Desert.9 million sq. km.

9 million sq. km.

Слайд 7 6. The hottest continent?

6. The hottest continent?

Слайд 8 7. The biggest planet in the Solar System?

7. The biggest planet in the Solar System?

Слайд 9 8. The biggest lake in the world with

8. The biggest lake in the world with pure water? Lake Baikal.31 722 sq. km.

pure water?
Lake Baikal.
31 722 sq. km.

Слайд 10 9. Azimuth 90 ° directed to …?

9. Azimuth 90 ° directed to …?

Слайд 11 10. The mountains separating Europe and Asia?
The Urals.

10. The mountains separating Europe and Asia?The Urals.

Слайд 12 11. The largest and deepest ocean?
The Pacific Ocean

11. The largest and deepest ocean?The Pacific Ocean

Слайд 13 12. The highest mountain in Britain
Ben Nevis.
1344 m.

12. The highest mountain in BritainBen Nevis.1344 m.

Слайд 14 13. The driest continent?

13. The driest continent?

Слайд 15 14. The biggest country?
17 075 thds. Sq.km.

14. The biggest country?17 075 thds. Sq.km.

Слайд 16 15.The people who lives in Canada?

15.The people who lives in Canada?

Слайд 17 16.The smallest island?

16.The smallest island?Bish-Rock

Слайд 18 17. The most salty sea in the world?

17. The most salty sea in the world?

Слайд 19 18. The smallest country in the world?
Vatican. 3,2

18. The smallest country in the world?Vatican. 3,2 km.

Слайд 20 19. The birthplace of the samurai
The Japanese Islands

19. The birthplace of the samuraiThe Japanese Islands

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-viktorina-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-opredelennyy-artikl-s-geograficheskimi-nazvaniyami.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 139
  • Количество скачиваний: 0