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Презентация на тему Амурский тигр

The Amur or Ussuri tiger, is one of the smallest representatives of the cat family. It is called the most Northern tiger. The area of his residence located in the Southeast of Russia, on the banks
Amur  tiger.The Work Of Pоline Ryahina and Anna Reyr. The Amur or Ussuri tiger, is one of the smallest representatives of The Ussuri tiger is a large, exotically colored cat, in strength and The Ussuri tiger is depicted on the flag and the coat of Contrary to popular myths about the danger to humans, the Siberian tiger Amur tigers live alone. But females sleep with their cubs. Areas of One of the main causes of extinction of Amur tigers was the Interesting facts about Amur tigers.In China for The lifespan of an Amur tiger is about 15 years. Sexual maturity Thank you for your attention.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Amur or Ussuri tiger, is one of

The Amur or Ussuri tiger, is one of the smallest representatives

the smallest representatives of the cat family. It is

called the most Northern tiger. The area of his residence located in the Southeast of Russia, on the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. About 10% of tigers living in China. Listed in the "Red book".

Слайд 3 The Ussuri tiger is a large, exotically colored

The Ussuri tiger is a large, exotically colored cat, in strength

cat, in strength and power unmatched throughout the world

fauna. This is one of the largest terrestrial predators of our planet and at the same time, vulnerable animal, despite its large size and great physical strength. Tiger force is such that it can be dragged over the ground the carcass of a horse more than 500 m. In the snow it is capable of speeds up to 80 km/h Fast, it is second only to the Cheetah.

Слайд 4 The Ussuri tiger is depicted on the flag

The Ussuri tiger is depicted on the flag and the coat

and the coat of arms of Primorsky Krai, as

well as many heraldic symbols of towns and districts of the region. It is the object of worship of many peoples of the Far East. In 1988, Hodari (in Korean called the Amur tiger) was the official mascot of the Summer Olympic games in Seoul. In China for the murder of the Amur tiger capital crime.

Слайд 5 Contrary to popular myths about the danger to

Contrary to popular myths about the danger to humans, the Siberian

humans, the Siberian tiger prefers to attack on Manchurian

deer, Sika deer, ROE deer, wild boars. For nutrition tiger needs about 50 to 70 hoofed animals a year. If food will be missed, tiger can attack and livestock, but not human.

Слайд 6 Amur tigers live alone. But females sleep with

Amur tigers live alone. But females sleep with their cubs. Areas

their cubs. Areas of habitat do not overlap and

if they overlap partially. As a rule, this applies to the males. Where dwell adult males, can live and several females. On average, an adult tiger for a day pass for 9.6 km, the maximum is 41 km away, and the Tigress — 7 km, to a maximum of 22 km.
The Amur tiger is unusually silent: some zoologists, for many years observed it in nature, never heard the tiger roar. The exception is the rutting season, when the tigers roar often, especially females. Annoyed something the predator growls hoarsely, furious a characteristic "cough". In good condition, he purrs like a cat.

Слайд 7 One of the main causes of extinction of

One of the main causes of extinction of Amur tigers was

Amur tigers was the destruction of natural habitats and

the undermining of fodder. These large predators require fairly extensive hunting territory — about 100 km2 per animal. Another important factor is poaching.
The Amur tiger is killed for its beautiful skin and also for bones and internal organs. Made of these drugs and tinctures, according to mythological views, firmly entrenched in traditional Chinese medicine, give a person a special power and help with a variety of ailments — from rheumatism to impotence.

Слайд 8 Interesting facts about

Interesting facts about Amur tigers.In China for the

Amur tigers.
In China for the murder of the Amur

tiger the death penalty. The Amur tiger according to current data is one of the largest subspecies, the coat is thicker than the tigers living in warmer areas, and its color lighter. The main colour of the coat in the winter — orange, belly white.

Слайд 9 The lifespan of an Amur tiger is about

The lifespan of an Amur tiger is about 15 years. Sexual

15 years. Sexual maturity is 4-5 years old. The

period of mating is not confined to a specific season. Female during estrus urine leaves marks and scratches on the bark of trees. Because ownership of tigers is very large, the female often goes off in search of a partner. She's ready to mate on the third to seventh day of estrus. The mating of the tigers repeated, this time the animals are kept together. Then the male leaves the female and goes in search of a new partner. After 95-112 days 3-4 are born blind cub. The mother feeds them milk. The cubs eyes open in about 9 days, and in two-week age they start to grow teeth. The cubs first leave the asylum at the age of two months. The mother brings them meat, although it is still 5-6 months continues to feed on milk. With six months, the cubs accompany the mother during the hunt. The female teaches the young to hunt. This is independent of the hunting life lasts for months. The cubs play a lot, which also helps them to learn the necessary hunting skills. One year old cubs for the first time are sent to independent hunt, and to two years they are already able to overcome large prey. However, the first few years of their lives the cubs are kept with the mother. The tigress hunts with young tigers until, until they reach sexual maturity

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