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Презентация на тему на английскому языку 5 класс MY FLAT

The theme: EnglishMy room
Welcome to our open 1)Educational: To present the new material, the new topical words, to practice Checking up the home task. To describe their houses with the constructions There is/ There are To divide into groups  1st- «House»2nd- «Room»3rd- «Flat» Brainstorming - How many rooms The 26th of November, There is / There are  (Мұнда, бір жерде) The method «Fishbone». To make sentences with constructions There is/ There are. New topical words:room [ru:m]-бөлмеpicture [piktfә]-суретpillow [‘pilәu]-жастықhall [hͻ:l]- зал, холлseveral [‘sevrәl]-бірнешеneed [ni:d]- керек ету Warm-up activity The method «Rotation» Every member of group write their own sentences to Marking: ReflexionTo write their feelings into the sticker and glue them to «Tree of Wish» Conclusion:Thank you for your  attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

The theme: EnglishMy room

The theme:


My room

Слайд 3 1)Educational: To present the new material, the new

1)Educational: To present the new material, the new topical words, to

topical words, to practice There is/ There are construction,

try to create rooms using the description.

2)Developing: To develop pupil’s speaking, listening, reading and writing, translating habits;

3)Bringing-up: To teach the pupils to be friends each other.

The aims of the lesson:

Слайд 4 Checking up the home

Checking up the home task.      To ask new words


To ask new words

Слайд 5 To describe their houses with the constructions

To describe their houses with the constructions There is/ There are

is/ There are

Слайд 6 To divide into groups

1st- «House»
2nd- «Room»

To divide into groups 1st- «House»2nd- «Room»3rd- «Flat»


Слайд 7

Brainstorming - How many rooms in your

- How many rooms in your house?
- Which

rooms are there?
- Is there any your favourite room?.

Слайд 8 The 26th of November,

The 26th of November,      Tuesday Theme: «My room»

Tuesday Theme: «My room»

Слайд 9 There is / There are (Мұнда, бір жерде)

There is / There are (Мұнда, бір жерде)

Слайд 10 The method «Fishbone». To make sentences with constructions

The method «Fishbone». To make sentences with constructions There is/ There

There is/ There are. And write to bones of


There is a book on the table

There are rooms in my house

There are 5 pupils.

There is a carpet on the floor.

There is a sofa in my room.

Слайд 11 New topical words:
room [ru:m]-бөлме
picture [piktfә]-сурет
pillow [‘pilәu]-жастық
hall [hͻ:l]- зал,

New topical words:room [ru:m]-бөлмеpicture [piktfә]-суретpillow [‘pilәu]-жастықhall [hͻ:l]- зал, холлseveral [‘sevrәl]-бірнешеneed [ni:d]- керек ету

several [‘sevrәl]-бірнеше
need [ni:d]- керек ету

Слайд 12 Warm-up activity

Warm-up activity

Слайд 13 The method «Rotation»
Every member of group write

The method «Rotation» Every member of group write their own sentences

their own sentences to the paper of second and

third groups. Each group has their colour of marker.

Слайд 14 Marking:


Слайд 15 Reflexion
To write their feelings into the sticker and

ReflexionTo write their feelings into the sticker and glue them to «Tree of Wish»

glue them to «Tree of Wish»

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angliyskomu-yazyku-5-klass-my-flat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 133
  • Количество скачиваний: 0