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Презентация на тему Путешествия 5 класс

The aim of our project:
Our project: «From place to place» The aim of our project: 1.Travelling is relaxing. 2. Make new friends and meet new people. 3. You can explore the world and learn about other cultures. 4. Try new dishes and buy unusual souvenirs. 5. Learn new languages. by busby planeby shipby carby trainby footTravelling I travelled to Kipr with my family.It was fantastic. Last summer I went to Portugal.The ocean is beautiful. We went to Moscow by car.Moscow is unforgettable. Путешествия учат больше, чем что бы то ни было.Иногда один день, проведенный
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aim of our project:

The aim of our project:

Слайд 3 1.Travelling is relaxing.

1.Travelling is relaxing.

Слайд 4 2. Make new friends and meet new people.

2. Make new friends and meet new people.

Слайд 5 3. You can explore the world

3. You can explore the world and learn about other cultures.

about other cultures.

Слайд 6 4. Try new dishes and buy unusual souvenirs.

4. Try new dishes and buy unusual souvenirs.

Слайд 7 5. Learn new languages.

5. Learn new languages.

Слайд 8 by bus
by plane
by ship
by car
by train
by foot

by busby planeby shipby carby trainby footTravelling

Слайд 9 I travelled to Kipr with my family.
It was

I travelled to Kipr with my family.It was fantastic.


Слайд 10 Last summer I went to Portugal.
The ocean is

Last summer I went to Portugal.The ocean is beautiful.


Слайд 11 We went to Moscow by car.
Moscow is unforgettable.

We went to Moscow by car.Moscow is unforgettable.

  • Имя файла: puteshestviya-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 172
  • Количество скачиваний: 1