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Презентация на тему к уроку по английскому языку Измерительные приборы для 1 курсаСПО

[w] - [v]We never know the value of water Until the well is dry.
Тема:Измерительные приборыЦели урока:Познавательные:-активизировать лексику по теме «Электрическая цепь» , «Измерительные приборы»-практиковать речевую [w] - [v]We never know the value of water  Until the well is dry. Ohm’s LawResistance equals voltage divided by current. Solve the following problems using the formulas of Ohm’s Law1)	R=80 Ohm’s		2) I=0,24 Solve the following problems using the formulas of Ohm’s Law1)	R=80 Ohm’s		2) I=0,24 Let’s remember these words:  circuit, open, short, trouble, no current, to Parallel and series circuitsa) You must know these verbs:adjust-регулировать diagnose-проводить диагностику install-устанавливатьmaintain-эксплуатироватьsolve-решатьtest-тестировать Use the words and numbers:weeks on and weeks off: 1____ on, 2____offworking meters*meter=gauge Dave has a cousin, Dan. Dan is getting married next Saturday. Dave Let’s practice 1) In order to measure the value of current Don’t forget about your homework!      1.Words – by heart2.Ex.5 p.16 Thank you for the lesson!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 [w] - [v]
We never know the value of

[w] - [v]We never know the value of water  Until the well is dry.

Until the well is dry.

Слайд 3 Ohm’s Law

Resistance equals voltage divided by current.

Ohm’s LawResistance equals voltage divided by current.

Слайд 4 Solve the following problems using the formulas of

Solve the following problems using the formulas of Ohm’s Law1)	R=80 Ohm’s		2)

Ohm’s Law

1) R=80 Ohm’s 2) I=0,24 amp
U=55 V R=1,36 Ohm’s


Слайд 5 Solve the following problems using the formulas of

Solve the following problems using the formulas of Ohm’s Law1)	R=80 Ohm’s		2)

Ohm’s Law

1) R=80 Ohm’s 2) I=0,24 amp
U=55 V R=1,36 Ohm’s


1) 0.69 amp 2) 0,33 V

Слайд 6 Let’s remember these words:
circuit, open, short,

Let’s remember these words: circuit, open, short, trouble, no current, to

trouble, no current, to reduce,
to connect ,

to supply, to pass through, to results in(from), branch ,main line, series ,parallel, to use, in order to.

Слайд 7 Parallel and series circuits


Parallel and series circuitsa)


b) d)

Слайд 8
You must know these verbs:

diagnose-проводить диагностику

You must know these verbs:adjust-регулировать diagnose-проводить диагностику install-устанавливатьmaintain-эксплуатироватьsolve-решатьtest-тестировать

Слайд 9 Use the words and numbers:

weeks on and weeks

Use the words and numbers:weeks on and weeks off: 1____ on,

off: 1____ on, 2____off
working hours per day: 3 ____

days per week: 4 ____
free time 5___, 6___ , 7___
accommodation: 8___, 9___
food: 10___

Books, comfortable, good, gym, small, TV,
12, 7, 2

Слайд 10




Слайд 11

Dave has a cousin, Dan. Dan is getting

Dave has a cousin, Dan. Dan is getting married next Saturday.

married next Saturday. Dave should work that day, but

he wants to go to the wedding. So he must request leave. He must complete this form and give it to the supervisor of the maintenance crew ( name: Martin Olsen)

Read the information and fill in the form:

Слайд 12 Let’s practice
1) In order to measure

Let’s practice 1) In order to measure the value of

the value of current
a)the ohmmeter is

b) the voltmeter is used
c) the ammeter is used

2) The ammeter should be connected a) in series
b) in parallel

3) When the ammeter is used to measure the value of current the circuit should be opened while…

4) ,, ,,,

5) C u 1’’’r
d …

Слайд 13 Don’t forget about your homework!

Don’t forget about your homework!   1.Words – by heart2.Ex.5 p.16

1.Words – by heart
2.Ex.5 p.16

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