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Презентация на тему для методобъединения учителей английского языка Optimization of work with weak children having problems in their knowledge of English

You have to raise the alarm if your student:doesn’t know letters and their sounds;cannot count from 1 to 10;cannot make sentences with verbs can/can’t/am/is/are about himself or others;- cannot read whole text from Student’s Book
Optimization of work with weak children having problems in their knowledge of EnglishGvozdeva Elena, 2019 You have to raise the alarm if your student:doesn’t know letters and Helpful tips:To be friendlyTo be polite and helpfulTo motivateTo encourage Conclusion:The first academic year is the most important for giving the basics Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 You have to raise the alarm if your

You have to raise the alarm if your student:doesn’t know letters


doesn’t know letters and their sounds;

cannot count from 1

to 10;

cannot make sentences with verbs can/can’t/am/is/are about himself or others;

- cannot read whole text from Student’s Book

Слайд 4 Helpful tips:
To be friendly
To be polite and helpful

Helpful tips:To be friendlyTo be polite and helpfulTo motivateTo encourage

To encourage

Слайд 5 Conclusion:
The first academic year is the most important

Conclusion:The first academic year is the most important for giving the

for giving the basics in order not to deal

with weak students in the future.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dlya-metodobedineniya-uchiteley-angliyskogo-yazyka-optimization-of-work-with-weak-children-having-problems-in-their-knowledge-of-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0