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Презентация на тему по теме: A new capital

Theme: A new capital
South Kazakhstan Region  District Kazigurt  School named after Theme: A new capital Outline of the lesson1.Greeting pupils and guests - 3 minutes.11.35-11.382.Warm up.- 5 5.Making a poster.      11.53.-12.03. Group Work. BayterekThe Groups’ Presentations: Astana 7 minutes.- 12.03.- 12.10. 6.Vocabulary work.Game: Throwing a ball. –Asking questions WORKSHEET 1WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?Write 3 sentences using these verbs.1.I am Formative assessment
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Theme: A new capital

Theme: A new capital

Слайд 3 Outline of the lesson
1.Greeting pupils and guests -

Outline of the lesson1.Greeting pupils and guests - 3 minutes.11.35-11.382.Warm up.-

3 minutes.11.35-11.38
2.Warm up.- 5 min.

11.38 -11.43.
Students revise the Present Continuous.”Continue and make a sentence” 1 Group: watch -…
2 Group –read-… .3-Group – play - … .

3.Presentation. – A new capital. – 10 min. 11.53 -12.03.
a)Can you name any modern buildings in Astana ?
b)What other buildings are there in Kazakhstan ?

Слайд 4 5.Making a poster.

5.Making a poster.   11.53.-12.03. Group Work. BayterekThe Palace of PeaceTheThThe Central Concert Hall

11.53.-12.03. Group Work.
The Palace of Peace
The Central Concert Hall

Слайд 5 Groups’ Presentations: Astana 7 minutes.- 12.03.- 12.10.

Groups’ Presentations: Astana 7 minutes.- 12.03.- 12.10.

Слайд 6 6.Vocabulary work.Game: Throwing a ball. –Asking questions

6.Vocabulary work.Game: Throwing a ball. –Asking questions    3-min.12.10-12.15.5.Formative

5.Formative assessment. To

assess each other by cards.(“Traffic lights”)
Feedback. 3 minutes.12.15 -12.20.


Write 3 sentences

WORKSHEET 1WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?Write 3 sentences using these verbs.1.I

using these verbs.
1.I am -----------------------------
2.You are ------------------------
3.The students are


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-a-new-capital.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 1