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Презентация на тему урока английского языка в 5 классе Тема урока: Обобщающее повторение

6.Построение различных грамматических структур в монологической и диалогической речи.(Рассказ о своем друге. Вопросы – ответы)7.Использование глагола To BE в простом настоящем времени.Заполнение таблицы, письмо, игра.8.Физкультурная минутка.9.Диалоги по телефону.10.Спектакль «Little Red Riding Hood»11.Аудирование структурного материала.Выполнение групповых упражнений.12.Чтение
Открытый урок английского языка в 5 «А» классе 6.Построение различных грамматических структур в монологической и диалогической речи.(Рассказ о своем друге. 2. Tell us your dialogue « What’s your name?», please. Sasha is My classmate David is my classmate. His surname is Edwards. He is Complete the table for the verb – To 2. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,Stamp your feet together.3. Spin, spin, spin Mark: Let’s go to the club.Jane: Sorry, I’m busy. Let’s go tomorrow.Mark:
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 6.Построение различных грамматических структур в монологической и диалогической

6.Построение различных грамматических структур в монологической и диалогической речи.(Рассказ о своем

(Рассказ о своем друге. Вопросы – ответы)
7.Использование глагола To

BE в простом настоящем времени.
Заполнение таблицы, письмо, игра.
8.Физкультурная минутка.
9.Диалоги по телефону.
10.Спектакль «Little Red Riding Hood»
11.Аудирование структурного материала.
Выполнение групповых упражнений.
12.Чтение p.68 –p.69 учебника
13.Домашнее задание: повторение тем,
лексического материала.
14.Окончание урока
Развернутый план урока

1. Teacher: Good morning, dear boys, girls, teachers and parents!
Pupils: « Good morning »
Good morning, good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher!
We are glad to see you!
Teacher: Sit down, please. Begin our lesson.

Слайд 3 2. Tell us your dialogue « What’s your

2. Tell us your dialogue « What’s your name?», please. Sasha

name?», please.
Sasha is your teacher.
Natasha is the pupil.

(Отвечают пять пар учеников)
3. Let’s sing a song «A girl is from London».

4. Let’s play the game «Our new words».

5. I see that you know new words. Now «A poem», repeat after me. All together – A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
John is hiding far from me.
Looking here, looking there,
I can’t see him anywhere.
6. Ask the questions and answer the questions.

Where are you from? – I’m from England.
Where do you live? – I live in Oxford.
What’s your address? – 25 Queen Street, Oxford. What’s your telephone number? –It’s 685-324

Tell us about your classmate, about an English boy.

Слайд 4 My classmate

David is my classmate. His surname

My classmate David is my classmate. His surname is Edwards. He

is Edwards. He is British. He is from the

UK. His telephone number is 071-372. His address is 9 Green Street, London SW7. His hobbies are tennis, reading and drawing. He is eleven years old. His favourite subject at school is English.
7. Let’s remember our grammar.
Fill in the letter from Anthony Black.
Dear Mary,
How … you? How … your mum? I … all right. Now we … at school in Oxford. Oxford … nice. Our school … in the centre.

See you,
Write the letter, please.
Fill in the letter.
Dear Mike,
My name … Victor. My surname … Orlov. I … from Moscow. My phone number … 1452715. I … twelve years old. My favourite sports … badminton and football. With best wishes,

« We are happy».

Now, tell us
I am happy. We are happy.
You are happy. You are happy.
He is happy. They are happy too.
She is happy.

Слайд 5 Complete the table for

Complete the table for the verb – To Be.Complete

the verb – To Be.
Complete the table for columns

+, ?, -.
+ ? -
I am Am I ? I am not
He … … ? …
She is … ? …
It … Is it? It is not
We … Are we? …
You are … ? You are not
They … … ? …

Make up your examples!
Use - Am / Is / Are
Let’s play a computer game.
Match the planets and the spaceships.
(1C, 2A, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6B, 7A)

8. Now can you sing any songs? I think, you can. So let’s hear you.
Do morning exercises!

«Clap, Clap !»
1.Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.

Слайд 6 2. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet

2. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,Stamp your feet together.3. Spin, spin,

3. Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
4. Sing, sing,

sing a song,
Sing a song together.
5. Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
6. Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.

9. Your dialogue by telephone (Диалог по телефону)
Let’s go to the cinema
Pat: 67190. Hello.
Mary: Hello, Pat.
Pat: Oh, hello, Mary! How are you?
Mary: Fine, thanks. And you?

Pat: I’m fine. Let’s go to the cinema today.
Mary: Yes, all right. See you. Bye.
Pat: Bye, Mary.
Sorry, I’m busy
Jane: 364 5328. Hello.
Mark: Hello, Jane. It’s Mark.
Jane: Oh, hello, Mark.

Слайд 7 Mark: Let’s go to the club.
Jane: Sorry, I’m

Mark: Let’s go to the club.Jane: Sorry, I’m busy. Let’s go

busy. Let’s go tomorrow.

Mark: OK. See you, Jane.
Jane: Bye,

11. Учебный разговор T – P; P1 – P2 ; P1 – P2 – P3
T: My hobby is painting. What is your hobby?
P: My hobby is music. What is your hobby?

P1: My favourite sport is badminton. What is your favourite sport?
P2: My favourite sport is tennis. What is your favourite sport?
P3: My favourite sport is football.
My favourite subject at school is Sport.

12. How many new words from Unit 2 do you know?
Выполняется упражнение 2 на страницах 68-69 учебника. Учащиеся индивидуально отрабатывают чтение слов изученной лексики, закрепляют прошедший материал.
14.Заключение урока. Подведение итогов. Объявление оценок.
The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson, children.
Stand up, please! Good –bye! See you tomorrow!

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  • Количество просмотров: 165
  • Количество скачиваний: 0