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Презентация на тему Вторая мировая война

Kostromitin Kirill, 9 th form,secondary school 41, Kurgan, 2018The Second World War
The Second World WarThe participation of the USA and UK in World War II Kostromitin Kirill, 9 th form,secondary school 41, Kurgan, 2018The Second World War Great Britain took part in World War II from its very beginning The history of lend-leasing began in 1940 in the USA. Lend-leasing is During the great patriotic war hundreds tonnes cargo were delievered to the Churchill: In March 1942, the British air force began bombing German cities. Since Were delieved to the USSR Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Kostromitin Kirill, 9 th form,
secondary school 41, Kurgan,

Kostromitin Kirill, 9 th form,secondary school 41, Kurgan, 2018The Second World War

The Second World War

Слайд 3 Great Britain took part in World War II

Great Britain took part in World War II from its very

from its very beginning September 1939
and before the

end of its September 1945.

Слайд 4 The history of lend-leasing began in 1940 in

The history of lend-leasing began in 1940 in the USA. Lend-leasing

the USA. Lend-leasing is a programme of crediting of

allies by supplying with ammunition, food and equipment. All supply was free after war damaged property was not paid but good property had to be paiеd.

Слайд 5 During the great patriotic war hundreds tonnes cargo

During the great patriotic war hundreds tonnes cargo were delievered to

were delievered to the Soviet Union by the USA

and Britain. They supplied our country with tanks, airplanes, motocycles and other ammunition. But often these equipment was of low quality and not very modern.

Слайд 6
Churchill: "If Hitler had declared war on hell-Britain


would fight on the side of the devils."

Слайд 7 In March 1942, the British air force began

In March 1942, the British air force began bombing German cities.

bombing German cities. Since late April, began transfer to

England by US aircraft.

Слайд 8 Were delieved to the USSR

Were delieved to the USSR

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-vtoraya-mirovaya-voyna.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0