Слайд 2
Каждый человек хочет чувствовать себя счастливым: взрослые
и дети, девочки и мальчики, люди различных национальностей и
социального статуса, живущие как на далеком Севере, так и в южных широтах. Путей к счастью множество, и один из них – волшебный продукт шоколад.
Мой жизненный опыт показывает, что когда я съем кусочек шоколадки – мое настроение становится радостным, хочется петь, танцевать, самочувствие улучшается, ощущается прилив энергии, хочется творить. Но мама говорит, что много шоколада есть нельзя, это плохо для здоровья.
Я много думала о её словах, и решила подробнее узнать о загадочном продукте с красивым названием –шоколад, чтобы поделиться своими новыми знаниями с близкими мне людьми.
Слайд 3
2. Проблема.
Мои друзья также как и я любят
кушать шоколад и шоколадные конфеты.
Мы угощаем друг друга
и вместе радуемся, когда жуем шоколадки, а во рту ощущается приятный сладкий вкус. Неужели придется отказаться от этого вкусного и всеми любимого продукта?
Очень важно узнать: шоколад дарит нам больше пользы или приносит вред?
Слайд 4
Определить воздействие шоколада на организм человека и попробовать
сделать экологически чистый шоколад в домашних условиях.
воздействие свойств шоколада
на потребителя и способы его получения
Слайд 5
6. Задачи исследования:
Познакомиться с историей возникновения шоколада.
Изучить состав
и классификацию шоколада.
Изучить полезные и негативные свойства шоколада.
интересные факты о шоколаде.
Провести анкетирование среди учеников.
Попробовать сделать шоколад в домашних условиях.
Слайд 6
7. Этапы работы
1 этап – поисковый:
- чтение и
анализ литературы (энциклопедий, справочников и т.п.);
- просмотр познавательных фильмов;
посещение библиотеки.
2 этап – аналитический:
- отбор нужной информации по теме проекта;
- обработка информации.
3 этап – практический:
- оформление собранного материала и наблюдений.
-оформление презентации
4 этап – контрольный:
- анализ выполненной работы;
- подведение итогов.
Слайд 7
1. Вступление.
2. Основная часть
2.1.Теоретическая часть.
2.1.1. Что
такое шоколад?
От зернышка до плитки.
Все о пользе шоколада.
Осторожно: не
Шоколад вокруг нас.
2.2.Практическая часть
2.2.1. Итоги социологического опроса.
2.2.2. Домашний шоколад.
Слайд 8
8.Сроки выполнения: до 15 февраля 2016 года
9. Форма
представления результатов: текстовая презентация и ее иллюстративное обеспечение
10. Библиография.
Интернет энциклопедия «Википедия» - www.ru.wikpedia.org.
The Story of Chocolate. Jennifer Gascoigne.
Слайд 9
Chocolate is joy!
I like chocolate a lot!
It is
so tasty and useful!
It makes me feel happy
and improves mood that is why when I am sad my mum gives me a bar of chocolate.
Those people who like chocolate
are kind and happy!
And it is always very pleasant to share
a bar of chocolate with friends!
But what do we really know about chocolate?
Слайд 10
What is chocolate?
Chocolate is a sweet.
The word
chocolate comes from the Mayan “xocolatl” which meant bitter
Chocolate grows on a tropical tree known as Theobroma cacao.
Слайд 11
The birthplace of chocolate and cocoa tree is
Сentral and South America
Слайд 12
History of chocolate
Long before the discovery of America
by Europeans Aztecs knew how to prepare chocolate. It
was a bitter drink.
The Spanish first brought chocolate back to Europe.
“The drink of the gods” - it could afford only the rich, because this drink was sacred.
The first bar of chocolate
was made in Switzerland in 1819.
The milk chocolate was created in 1875.
Слайд 13
Cocoa comes from tropical evergreen Cocoa trees.
Cocoa beans
grow in pods.
The pods are about the size of
a football.
They are yellow, brown or purple.
From a bean to a sweet
Слайд 14
One tree produces between 20 and 30 pods
a year, each containing 20 to 50 cocoa beans.
A year’s harvest from one tree is enough to make up 500 gr of chocolate.
Слайд 15
First, cocoa beans are picked.
Then, they are left
to ferment.
After that they are left to dry covered
with banana leaves.
Finally they are transported to the factory.
Слайд 16
In the factory the beans are roasted in
an oven.
Then, the outer shell is removed and
the hub is broken into small pieces.
Слайд 17
The next step is - grinding.
Roasted beans
are converted into a liquid , the “cocoa liquor”
or “cocoa mass”.
The last step is blending.
After blending the cocoa liquor is cooled.
Слайд 18
The cocoa liquor can be use for cocoa
butter or it can be mixed with cocoa butter
and sugar to make chocolate.
Finally the chocolate is packed.
Слайд 19
Слайд 20
Cocoa beans
Cocoa mass
Cocoa butter
Cocoa powder
Cocoa - cake
The processing
Слайд 21
The main types of chocolate are:
Слайд 22
1.Chocolate charges with vigor and improves mood.
2.The smell
of chocolate is making us feel calm.
3. Chocolate
is good for stress.
Слайд 23
5.Chocolate saves from a heart attack and stroke.
makes you live longer.
6.Chocolate lowers blood pressure.
4.It can boost
your immune system.
7.Chocolate protects vessels from atherosclerosis.
Слайд 24
8.Dark chocolate can prevent tooth decay.
It is good
for your teeth and gums.
11.Chocolate wrap is a drug
for skin.
It eliminates excess weight.
9.Chocolate boosts the appetite
10.It improves memory.
Слайд 25
Vegetables – good for health!
Chocolate is produced from
a plant called bean cocoa
Beans – they are vegetables
Therefore, chocolate is a vegetable
Слайд 26
What are the health risks of chocolate?
It can
worsen the symptoms of some conditions due to the
sugar, fat and caffeine content. Some of these conditions may include:
Dental problems
Слайд 27
Interesting facts
Pastry chefs in
New York created
the highest Tower in the world of chocolate.
In Italy, set a world record for the longest bar of chocolate.
And the heaviest tile weighing made in Armenia.
Слайд 28
Chocolate car
In honor of the Spring Festival in
Shanghai made a chocolate full-size car. Chocolate car was
decorated with colored icing and cream.
The largest chocolate egg
In the Belgian town of Saint-Nicolas produced the world's largest chocolate Easter egg, which was named in the Guinness Book of records. To create a giant chocolate products took about 50 thousand tiles chocolate.
Слайд 29
White chocolate was invented by the great
Henri Nestle of Switzerland.
Every year more than 600
humanity thousands tons of chocolate.
"Chocolate" countries in the world are -Belgium, Switzerland, Italy,
France and the United States.
Слайд 30
chocolate cake
What do chocolate?
Chocolate candies
Chocolate figures
Chocolate clothing
Shoes made
of chocolate
Chocolate furniture
Chocolate chandelier
The chocolate room
Chocolate kitchen
Слайд 31
Chocolate is eaten anywhere and anytime.
Chocolate Eggs
are eaten at Easter and Chocolate Hearts are given
at Valentine’s day.
On Christmas we always eat chocolate!
International chocolate day is celebrated on July 11.
My favorite film about chocolate is “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
Mini pastry shop came to us.
My friends
and I participated in
master-class "chocolate holiday»
We made candies by ourselves.
Candy with his hands is a real chocolate holiday!
Слайд 33
The first monument to chocolate in Russia
opened in Pokrov
in Vladimir region in 2009.
There is
a museum in this town.
I am going to visit it on my holidays.
Слайд 34
I decided to find out how to refer
to chocolate.
I interviewed 65 pupils from 2-4 classes
of our school.
Слайд 35
What kind of sweets do you like?
Слайд 36
What kind of chocolate do you like?
Слайд 37
What color of chocolate do you like?
Слайд 38
Is chocolate good for our health?
Слайд 39
Does chocolate spoil your teeth?
Слайд 40
Do you know the history of origin and
manufacture of chocolate?
Слайд 41
Do you want to know the origin, benefit
and harm of eating chocolate in details?
Слайд 42
From the research I made the conclusion. Chocolate
actually has a positive effect on the human body.
Just want to add that in the entire measure is needed!
Слайд 43
It turns out chocolate can be made at
You need:
Sugar – 1tea spoon
Milk – 2 table
Cocoa – 4 table spoon
Butter – 50 grams
Слайд 44
Bon Appetite!
Please try my chocolate!
Have a chocolate and
Слайд 45
Chocolate turns out delicious.
It is not harmful.
It is helpful – that is the most important!
Слайд 46
Life is sweeter with chocolate!!!