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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для 9 класса Президенты США

George Washington was the first President of the USA.
George Washington. George Washington was the first President of the USA. He was born on 22 February 1732 into the family of a rich Virginia landowner. In his early twenties, Washington took part in the war which the This was later called the French and Indian War. Washington fought bravely, but he didn't stay in the British army. He was very unhappy about how badly the American officers were being Джорджа Вашингтона, Томаса Джефферсона, Теодора Рузвельта и Авраама Линкольна. Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 George Washington was the first President of the

George Washington was the first President of the USA.


Слайд 3 He was born on 22 February 1732 into

He was born on 22 February 1732 into the family of a rich Virginia landowner.

the family of a rich Virginia landowner.

Слайд 4 In his early twenties, Washington took part in

In his early twenties, Washington took part in the war which

the war which the British Empire was fighting against

France for the new territories in America.

Слайд 5 This was later called the French and Indian

This was later called the French and Indian War.


Слайд 6 Washington fought bravely, but he didn't stay in

Washington fought bravely, but he didn't stay in the British army.

the British army.

Слайд 7 He was very unhappy about how badly the

He was very unhappy about how badly the American officers were

American officers were being treated by the British generals/

Слайд 8 Джорджа Вашингтона, Томаса Джефферсона, Теодора Рузвельта и

Джорджа Вашингтона, Томаса Джефферсона, Теодора Рузвельта и Авраама Линкольна.

Авраама Линкольна.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-dlya-9-klassa-prezidenty-ssha.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
  • Количество скачиваний: 0