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Презентация на тему про город в Англии

Salisbury is a small English town, which is located in the southeastern part of the county of Wiltshire.
Salisbury Salisbury is a small English town, which is located in the southeastern It is situated on the banks of the River Avon and the vast plains Solberiyskoy; The city's population is about 50 000 people In 1265 – there was built the Cathedral. In 1315 the spire Besides the cathedral, the city has preserved several ancient churches: the Church Another attraction is the integral of Stonehenge, which is in the vicinity Also, the city is famous for its fairs and festivals. This is a coat of Salisbury. Thank you for your attention!Climbing up on Solsbury Hill I could see When illusion spin her net I'm never where I want to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Salisbury is a small English town, which is

Salisbury is a small English town, which is located in the

located in the southeastern part of the county of


Слайд 3 It is situated on the banks of the

It is situated on the banks of the River Avon and the vast plains Solberiyskoy;

River Avon and the vast plains Solberiyskoy;

Слайд 4 The city's population is about 50 000 people

The city's population is about 50 000 people

Слайд 5 In 1265 – there was built the Cathedral.

In 1265 – there was built the Cathedral. In 1315 the

In 1315 the spire of his tower was raised

to a height of 120 m.

Слайд 6 Besides the cathedral, the city has preserved several

Besides the cathedral, the city has preserved several ancient churches: the

ancient churches: the Church of St. Martin, the Church

of St. Edmund.

Слайд 7 Another attraction is the integral of Stonehenge, which

Another attraction is the integral of Stonehenge, which is in the

is in the vicinity of the city, just 13

kilometers away. Thanks to him, is Salisbury so popular among tourists.

Слайд 8 Also, the city is famous for its fairs

Also, the city is famous for its fairs and festivals.

and festivals.

Слайд 9 This is a coat of Salisbury.

This is a coat of Salisbury.

Слайд 11 Thank you for your attention!
Climbing up on Solsbury

Thank you for your attention!Climbing up on Solsbury Hill I could

Hill I could see the city lights Wind was blowing, time

stood still Eagle flew out of the night He was something to observe Came in close, I heard a voice Standing, stretching every nerve I had to listen had no choice I did not believe the information Just had to trust imagination My heart going boom boom boom Son, he said, grab your things I've come to take you home.

To keep in silence I resigned My friends would think I was a nut Turning water into wine Open doors would soon be shut So I went from day to day Though my life was in a rut Till I thought of what I'd say And which connection I should cut I was feeling part of the scenery I walked right out of the machinery My heart going boom boom boom Son, he said, grab your things I've come to take you home

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-pro-gorod-v-anglii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 0