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Презентация на тему к уроку по теме London для студентов 1 курса

London I enjoy travelling by….I find pleasure in travelling by….I’m fond of traveling Some useful wordsthe City, Westminster, the West End, the East End, the London The city Westminster Westminster palace Buckingham palace The west end Trafalgar square The east end London Complete the following sentences in the right way. 1. London is the True or False? 1.The East End is the richest part of London. False a) It is the official residence of the Queen.b) It is one London “The streets of London” London
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 London


Слайд 3 I enjoy travelling by….
I find pleasure in travelling

I enjoy travelling by….I find pleasure in travelling by….I’m fond of

I’m fond of traveling by….
There is nothing like travelling


rather comfortable
rather quick
the cheapest way

What way of travelling is preferable for you?

Слайд 5 Some useful words
the City, Westminster, the West End,

Some useful wordsthe City, Westminster, the West End, the East End,

the East End,
the Bank of England, the Stock

the Old Bailey, St Paul's Cathedral,
the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey,
Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament,
the Clock Tower - "Big Ben", Buckingham Palace,
Trafalgar Square, Nelson's Column,
the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery,
the British Museum, commercial, population,
financial, ancient, church, fortress, royal, palace, prison,
governmental, outstanding, statesman, tower,
official residence, wealth, symbol.

Слайд 6 London


Слайд 9 The city

The city

Слайд 10 Westminster


Слайд 11 Westminster palace

Westminster palace

Слайд 12 Buckingham palace

Buckingham palace

Слайд 13 The west end

The west end

Слайд 14 Trafalgar square

Trafalgar square

Слайд 15 The east end

The east end

Слайд 16 London


Слайд 17 Complete the following sentences in the right way.

Complete the following sentences in the right way. 1. London is

London is the capital of Great Britain.
2. The heart

of London is the City.
3. Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London.
4. The West End is the richest part of London.
5. The East End was once the poorest district of London.

Слайд 18 True or False?
1.The East End is the richest

True or False? 1.The East End is the richest part of London.

part of London.
2. The City is the

financial and business centre.
3. Westminster was the poorest part of London.
4. On the north side of Trafalgar Square is the Stock Exchange.
5. The are huge offices and new blocks of flats in the East End.

Слайд 19 a) It is the official residence of the

a) It is the official residence of the Queen.b) It is

b) It is one of the largest cities in

the world. into several parts. Can you name.
c) It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson's
victory in the battle of Trafalgar.
d) The City, Westminster, the West End and the East End
e) It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. Now it's a museum.
  f) Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament.

Match the questions with the answers.

1.Is London the largest
city in the world?

2. Traditionally London
is divided.

3.What is the Tower
of London famous for?

4. Where does the
British Parliament sit?

5. Why was Trafalgar
Square named so?

6. Why does Buckingham Palace Westminster Palace, or the Houses of attract so many tourists?

Слайд 20 London


Слайд 22 “The streets of London”

“The streets of London”

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  • Количество просмотров: 83
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