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Презентация на тему Экология на железнодорожном транспорте

The aims of the project are:– investigation of the railway ecology problem;– comparison of railway transport with another vehicles;– solution of the rail noise problem;– analysis of environment peculiarities;– using this material on the lessons
Made by:Kopanev D.V.Sarvartdinova A.A.Ufa Railway Technical SchoolResearch Project in EnglishTopic: Railway EcologyProject supervisor:Ramazanova N.H. The aims of the project are:– investigation of the railway ecology problem;– The problem of protecting nature is of primary importance today. Through their Waste of railway stations  One of the most dangerous sources of It is known that one locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste into Coal fuelWhen coal is burned, a large amount of harmful substances are Impact of carbon dioxide Atmospheric emissions of railway transport enterprises contain solids, organic and inorganic origin: Very high HighMediumLowHighMediumLowHighPollution of the environment along railwaysTransport pollution in human settlements Emissions of harmful substancesAnnually for each kilometer of the path passenger cars Impact on living organismsRailway lines are laid at the established migration routes Solution of rail noiseAt the same time railway transport is a great However, if the rail noise can not be reduced in origin, then The transport sector consumes annually 1/3 of the total energy in the Occupation of landLand occupation is much less for rail transport than for The list of literature:eadnurt.diit.edu.ua – EaDNURT en.wikipedia.org – WikipediaSciencedirect.com – ScienceDirect trendelfindelmundo.com Thanks for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aims of the project are:
– investigation of

The aims of the project are:– investigation of the railway ecology

the railway ecology problem;
– comparison of railway transport with

another vehicles;
– solution of the rail noise problem;
– analysis of environment peculiarities;
– using this material on the lessons

Слайд 3 The problem of protecting nature is of primary

The problem of protecting nature is of primary importance today. Through

importance today. Through their daily activities people pollute water,

air, soil. If we do not stop these activities the damage may become irreversible.

Слайд 4 Waste of railway stations
One of the

Waste of railway stations One of the most dangerous sources of

most dangerous sources of pollution of the Earth is

railway transport. Now railway pollution accounts for 9% of all harmful substances. Every year railway enterprises throw into the atmosphere

nearly 40 thousand tons of harmful substances.

Слайд 5 It is known that one locomotive exhausts as

It is known that one locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste

much harmful waste into air as 40 or 50


Слайд 6 Coal fuel
When coal is burned, a large amount

Coal fuelWhen coal is burned, a large amount of harmful substances

of harmful substances are released into the environment, including

coal containing a large number of heavy metals and hydrocarbons.

The most dangerous and uncomfortable impact of transport on a person is considered to be pollution by hydrocarbons.

Слайд 7 Impact of carbon dioxide

Impact of carbon dioxide

Слайд 8 Atmospheric emissions of railway transport enterprises contain solids,

Atmospheric emissions of railway transport enterprises contain solids, organic and inorganic origin:

organic and inorganic origin:

Слайд 9 Very high

Pollution of the environment along railways

Very high HighMediumLowHighMediumLowHighPollution of the environment along railwaysTransport pollution in human settlements

pollution in human settlements

Слайд 10 Emissions of harmful substances
Annually for each kilometer of

Emissions of harmful substancesAnnually for each kilometer of the path passenger

the path passenger cars pour up to 200 m³

of sewage, containing pathogenic microorganisms

and emits up to 12 tons of dry waste. This leads to contamination of the railroad track and the environment.

Слайд 11 Impact on living organisms
Railway lines are laid at

Impact on living organismsRailway lines are laid at the established migration

the established migration routes of living organisms, violate their

development and even lead to the destruction of entire communities and species.

Слайд 12 Solution of rail noise
At the same time railway

Solution of rail noiseAt the same time railway transport is a

transport is a great source of noise. As we

know noise is a special kind of environment pollution. The most efficient way for the

reduction of rail noise
is the proper track layout and reduction
of noise of the diesel engine.

Слайд 13 However, if the rail noise can not be

However, if the rail noise can not be reduced in origin,

reduced in origin, then the solution is in noise

barriers. They should be placed as close as possible

to the track and have a height no less than 2 meters. In addition noise barriers should be made of special absorbing materials for additional noise reduction.

Слайд 14 The transport sector consumes annually 1/3 of the

The transport sector consumes annually 1/3 of the total energy in

total energy in the world community. Railway have the

lowest unit energy consumption compared to other transport modes. Besides, in electrified railways, energy can come from clean forms such as hydro power stations rather than from oil, especially now when the oil reserves are becoming exhaustible.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station is the largest one in Russia

Слайд 15 Occupation of land
Land occupation is much less for

Occupation of landLand occupation is much less for rail transport than

rail transport than for other transport modes and specifically

fifty times less than for road transport.
Land occupation in the world for:
– road transport 68 937 575 км
– rail transport 1 370 782 км

Слайд 17 The list of literature:
eadnurt.diit.edu.ua – EaDNURT
en.wikipedia.org –

The list of literature:eadnurt.diit.edu.ua – EaDNURT en.wikipedia.org – WikipediaSciencedirect.com – ScienceDirect

Sciencedirect.com – ScienceDirect
trendelfindelmundo.com – The End Of The

World Train

  • Имя файла: ekologiya-na-zheleznodorozhnom-transporte.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 374
  • Количество скачиваний: 10