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Презентация на тему Presentation fot high school students

Sheep grazing safely – small fields encourage wildlife and reduce soil erosion
Agricultura in the UK    119-52 Sheep grazing safely – small fields encourage wildlife and reduce soil erosion Crop rotation maintains soil fertility naturally Food waste Food waste Food waste Food waste in the usa Food waste in the UK Agriculture in the ukThe total Agriculture in the UK is intensive ,highly mechanised and efficient by THANK YOU FOR ATTENTIONTHANK YOU FOR ATTENTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Sheep grazing safely – small fields encourage wildlife

Sheep grazing safely – small fields encourage wildlife and reduce soil erosion

and reduce soil erosion

Слайд 3 Crop rotation maintains soil fertility naturally

Crop rotation maintains soil fertility naturally

Слайд 5 Food waste

Food waste

Слайд 6 Food waste

Food waste

Слайд 7 Food

Food waste


Слайд 8 Food waste in the usa

Food waste in the usa

Слайд 9 Food waste in the UK

Food waste in the UK

Слайд 10 Agriculture in

Agriculture in the ukThe total labour force

the uk
The total labour force in agriculture on commercial

holdings as at June 2015 was 476.000(including farmers and their spouses)
The Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) as at the same date was 17.1 million hectares (covering 70 per cent) of the total UK land area
The average area per commercial holding as at the same date was 80 hectares

Слайд 11
Agriculture in the UK is intensive ,highly mechanised

Agriculture in the UK is intensive ,highly mechanised and efficient

and efficient by European standards ,producing about 60% of

food needs ,with less than 1.6% of the labour force(535.000workers). It contributes around 0.6% of British national value added. Around two-thirds of the production is devoted to livestock ,one-third to arable crops. Agriculture is subsidised by the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy
The UK retains a significant ,though reduced ,fishing industry. Its fleets ,based in town such as Kingston Upon Hull ,Grimsby ,Fleetwood , Great Yarmouth , and Lowestoft ,bring home fish ranging from sole to herring.
The Blue Book 2013 reports that “Agriculture” added gross value of 9.438millionto the UK economy in 2011. The UK is also rich in a number of natural resources including coal ,petroleum ,natural gas ,tin ,limestone ,iron ore ,salt ,clay ,gypsum ,lead ,silica and an abundance of arable land

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  • Количество просмотров: 150
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