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Презентация на тему к уроку Солнечная система 8 класс

It is a huge group of stars and planets. It is a space and everything that exist in it. It is a place far above the Earth where there is no air. It is a rocket or
It is a huge group of stars and planets. It is a space 1.Who was the first man to fly into space?  2.Who was UranusJupiterVenusNeptuneEarthSaturnMarsMercury What is Solar SystemThe Sun, its planets and all the objects moving It is the source of all energy for life on the Earth.About Sun –Star of the Solar System It ‘s the heaviest among solar It orbits the Sun once in about 365 days.It rotates about its own axis, thus creating Earth –The Blue Planet It is also known as watery planet, because It is the smallest.It does not have any satellite.There is no water Mercury –The Innermost Planet It is named after messenger of the Roman Venus –The Veiled Planet It is also known as the Morning Star Moon –The Earth’s Only Satellite Its diameter is only 1/4th of the Saturn –The Jewel Planet It is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest Mars –The Red Planet It is named after the Roman god of war. It Uranus –A planet on its  It appears to lie on its Jupiter –The Giant Planet It is named after the ruler of Roman Neptune –The Last Giant The most distant gas planet.It is named after 1. Which is the lightest among all?  Mars Saturn Moon Neptune 2. Red Planet -It is other 5. Which planet is known as Red Planet? Mars Venus Moon Saturn 6. Saturn Rings are made 1. Green house Effect helps us in Keeping temperature of earth balanced Growing vegetables Making planet 5. Trees are important to avoid Global Warming ,because they absorb Oxygen Carbon-dioxide Water Sun-light 6. Green house
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
It is a huge group of stars and

It is a huge group of stars and planets. It is

It is a space and everything that exist in

It is a place far above the Earth where there is no air.
It is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space.
It is a large, round object that goes round a star.
It is the Sun together with the planets going round it.

Слайд 3 1.Who was the first man to fly into

1.Who was the first man to fly into space? 2.Who was

2.Who was the first woman to fly

into space?
3.Who was the first astronaut to walk on the Moon?
4.How many planets are there in the Solar System?

Слайд 4 Uranus


Слайд 5 What is Solar System
The Sun, its planets and

What is Solar SystemThe Sun, its planets and all the objects

all the objects moving around them are called the

Solar System.
The Solar System is entirely dependent on the Sun which has its own light.
Rest of the planets reflect the light received from the Sun

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Слайд 6 It is the source of all energy for

It is the source of all energy for life on the

life on the Earth.
About three quarters of the its

mass consists of hydrogen, while the rest is mostly helium.
On its surface ,there are dark patches known as sunspots. These are patches of gas that looks dark since they are cooler than their surroundings.

Sun –Star of the Solar System

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Слайд 7 Sun –Star of the Solar System
It ‘s

Sun –Star of the Solar System It ‘s the heaviest among

the heaviest among solar system
It is a ball of

hot burning gases.
It is the nearest star to the earth.
The light from the Sun takes appx. 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

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Слайд 8 It orbits the Sun once in about 365 days.
It rotates about its

It orbits the Sun once in about 365 days.It rotates about its own axis, thus

own axis, thus creating day & night. It takes

24 hours to do that.
It revolves around sun, due to its tilt ,seasons are created.
The Moon is the only satellite of it.

Earth –The Blue Planet

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Слайд 9 Earth –The Blue Planet
It is also known

Earth –The Blue Planet It is also known as watery planet,

as watery planet, because 70% of its surface is

covered by water.
The earth’s atmosphere scatters the light & creates a blue effect, so it is also called Blue Planet..
The only planet having life .

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Слайд 10 It is the smallest.
It does not have any

It is the smallest.It does not have any satellite.There is no

There is no water or atmosphere.
It can be seen

with naked eyes.
It orbits the Sun once in about 88 days
There are no seasons on its surface

Mercury –The Innermost Planet

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Слайд 11 Mercury –The Innermost Planet
It is named after

Mercury –The Innermost Planet It is named after messenger of the

messenger of the Roman gods
It is the closest planet

to the Sun
Large variations in day
(400 degree C) & night (-180 degree C) time temperatures.

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Слайд 12 Venus –The Veiled Planet
It is also known

Venus –The Veiled Planet It is also known as the Morning

as the Morning Star or Evening Star.
It is the

brightest & hottest planet.
It is named after Roman goddess of love & beauty .

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Слайд 13 Moon –The Earth’s Only Satellite
Its diameter is

Moon –The Earth’s Only Satellite Its diameter is only 1/4th of

only 1/4th of the Earth
It looks bigger as

it is very close to us.
There is no water on its surface.
Its gravity is 1/6th of Earth, so your weight would be 1/6th of your weight on the earth.

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Слайд 14 Saturn –The Jewel Planet
It is the sixth planet from

Saturn –The Jewel Planet It is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second

the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter.

It is named after the Roman god Saturn
It is classified as a gas giant planet

It is the most beautiful planet in solar system because of its spectacular rings

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Слайд 15 Mars –The Red Planet
It is named after

Mars –The Red Planet It is named after the Roman god of war.

the Roman god of war.
It is often described as the

"Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance

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Слайд 16 Uranus –A planet on its
It appears

Uranus –A planet on its It appears to lie on its

to lie on its side.
It is named after the Roman god of

the sky.
It has 27 known satellites
It is a very cold planet.


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Слайд 17 Jupiter –The Giant Planet
It is named after

Jupiter –The Giant Planet It is named after the ruler of

the ruler of Roman gods.
It is the largest planet within the Solar System

has a great Red Spot, the rotating storm system inside the planet.

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Слайд 18 Neptune –The Last Giant
The most distant gas

Neptune –The Last Giant The most distant gas planet.It is named

It is named after the Roman god of sea .
The most windy


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Слайд 19 1. Which is the lightest among all? 
 Neptune 2. Red Planet

1. Which is the lightest among all?  Mars Saturn Moon Neptune 2. Red Planet -It is

-It is other name of which planet? 
 Neptune 3. Which planet

is known as Vaccum Cleaner?
 Jupiter 4. If your weight on earth is 42 kg, what would be your weight on moon?

Слайд 20 5. Which planet is known as Red Planet?
 Saturn 6. Saturn Rings

5. Which planet is known as Red Planet? Mars Venus Moon Saturn 6. Saturn Rings are

are made of what material? 
 Rocks & Ice
 Broken Stones 7. Which one

is Coldest Planet among all? 
 Neptune 8. Which planet is known as the morning & evening star? 

Слайд 22 1. Green house Effect helps us in
 Keeping temperature of

1. Green house Effect helps us in Keeping temperature of earth balanced Growing vegetables Making

earth balanced
 Growing vegetables
 Making planet green
 Ozone layer protection

2. Ozone layer helps

us by protecting us from
 Harmful UV rays of Sun

3. Ice of glaciers would start melting & there would be more floods if temperature of Globe
 Goes Up
 Goes Down
 Remains stable
 None of these

4. Which one of following is not a green-house gas?

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