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Презентация на тему Страноведческая викторина British Inventions We Need Every Day

Уважаемые любители английского языка!На протяжении многих лет британские изобретатели вводили новшества практически во все аспекты нашей жизни. От ухода за садом до ухода за зубами, они действительно внесли много чего, за что мы должны быть благодарны.
Уважаемые любители английского языка!На протяжении многих лет британские изобретатели вводили новшества практически None of us would be able to enjoy the smell of freshly Cleaning our teeth... We may only use them for three minutes, twice It's questionable whether the modern smartphones we're all subconsciously glued to would Next time you go for a picnic at the seaside with your The World Wide Web was initially invented by this scientist to share Working as a biologist, Birmingham born, he and his team worked tirelessly Travelling around the British countryside on a bike is an unforgettable experience. Источники:http://news.hyperec.com/post/10-famous-british-inventors https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c3/f8/a3/c3f8a38295018c6f926cac6323b4c52f--inventors-did-you-know.jpghttps://acegif.com/wp-content/uploads/british-flag.gif https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/cFf9Iovhub04tbSYK5xMjogaLaXCUBIL1oCYx9iWdMDLrxE0ZShvVTF4nB9uz5g7LOh5OLl0vQfSGPcnTUXuL6WJEHEKlaJh https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ad/James_Dewar.jpg/330px-James_Dewar.jpg https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/10/285x214/355949_1.jpghttps://userscontent2.emaze.com/images/cf31748c-a321-4f35-8b69-4d28bd59aa0a/cfea20d0c4d1665bb431743307b76687.jpeg https://эврика-выкса.рф/d/logo_1.pnghttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/flcu0uH8bfznInqS9y4aRY1UwNO60Qfr-NmCcKk60KCGin6RUlltQniamsjmivpi9hZNtqk=s96https://easyen.ru/load/shablony_prezentacij/igry_viktoriny_testy/prezentacija_shablon_interaktivnye_sorbonki/528-1-0-60257
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Слайд 2 Уважаемые любители английского языка!

На протяжении многих лет британские

Уважаемые любители английского языка!На протяжении многих лет британские изобретатели вводили новшества

изобретатели вводили новшества практически во все аспекты нашей жизни.

От ухода за садом до ухода за зубами, они действительно внесли много чего, за что мы должны быть благодарны.
Задание простое: прочесть короткие тексты и угадать,
о чём и о ком идет речь.
Ответ появляется при нажатии на желтую кнопку «Eurekа».

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Слайд 3 None of us would be able to enjoy

None of us would be able to enjoy the smell of

the smell of freshly cut grass if it wasn't

for Edwin Budding's invention. Back in 1827, Budding developed a lawnmower that quickly gained popularity among the elite and wealthy homeowners of Britain. Shortly after, pitch sports like cricket, rugby and football started to take off in popularity! A quintessentially English invention, don't you think.

Edwin Beard Budding

Invention: Lawnmower

Invented: 1827

Слайд 4 Cleaning our teeth... We may only use them

Cleaning our teeth... We may only use them for three minutes,

for three minutes, twice a day, but they play

an important role in our oral hygiene. He came up with the idea while he was serving time in prison. He was watching a guard sweep the floor when he started to wonder how the same process could be used to clean teeth. Prior to this British brainwave, people regularly cleaned their teeth using small pieces of crushed shell, soot and a cloth. Thank goodness we don't need to do that anymore!

William Addis

Invention: Toothbrush

Invented: 1770

Слайд 5 It's questionable whether the modern smartphones we're all

It's questionable whether the modern smartphones we're all subconsciously glued to

subconsciously glued to would have ever come into existence

without the work of this scientist. He was able to create a wonderfully convenient communication device after he discovered that an electrical waveform could be produced by a rapidly vibrating sheet of metal. The waveform matched to the vibrations exactly, meaning vocal messages could be sent effortlessly from one place to another.

Alexander Graham Bell

Invention: Telephone

Invented: 1876

Слайд 6 Next time you go for a picnic at

Next time you go for a picnic at the seaside with

the seaside with your hot flask of tea, coffee

or soup, give a little nod to the inventor of the thermos flask. He created the very first thermos flask while he was carrying out cryogenic experiments. The innovative insulated vessel keeps its contents warm or cold for an extended period of time - we'd be lost
without them.

Sir James Dewar

Invention: The thermos flask

Invented: 1892

Слайд 7 The World Wide Web was initially invented by

The World Wide Web was initially invented by this scientist to

this scientist to share and update information amongst researchers.

The project later combined hypertext & the internet to create a platform where information could be shared (literally) Worldwide. He also designed and built the first Web browser. Born and raised in London, he is undoubtedly one of the most influential British inventors we've seen.

Tim Berners-Lee

Invention: The World Wide Web

Invented: 1989

Слайд 8 Working as a biologist, Birmingham born,
he and

Working as a biologist, Birmingham born, he and his team worked

his team worked tirelessly to produce
The first cloned

mammal, a Dorset lamb
named Dolly in 1996. Dolly was cloned from fully differentiated adult mammary cells using the process of nuclear transfer. This is a groundbreaking technology that might be used for things like, the production of transgenic livestock, the re-establishment of endangered species and the creation of patient-specific stem cells in the future. Pretty incredible, huh?

Keith Campbell

Invention: The first cloned mammal

Invented: 1996

Слайд 9
Travelling around the British countryside on a bike

Travelling around the British countryside on a bike is an unforgettable

is an unforgettable experience. Did you know that the

tension-spoked wheel that keeps your bike upright and moving was invented here in Britain too? That's right, a British aeronautical engineer created the very first one back in 1808. Since then, tension-spoked wheels have been used on motorbikes, bicycles and unicycles alike.

George Cayley

Invention: The tension-spoked wheel

Invented: 1808

  • Имя файла: stranovedcheskaya-viktorina-british-inventions-we-need-every-day.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 221
  • Количество скачиваний: 3