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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Экологически чистые виды транспорта

The 19th of February Classwork Green Transport
The 19th of February Classwork    Green Transport Vocabulary Practice Ex.1, p.102 Speaking Practice What modern means of transport do you know?What is your Speaking Practice Ex. 2, p.102 Vocabulary Practice Ex.3, p.102 Reading PracticeEx.4,p.102 New Vocabulary Ex.5,p.103 New vocabulary Ex.5,p.103 Have a rest! Speaking Practice Summing up…What did you do at the lesson?Were the tasks difficult or Self-preparation task«3»- Ex.2, р.61 «4»-Ex.4, р.61 «5»-Ex.1, р.61
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The 19th of February Classwork

The 19th of February Classwork  Green Transport


Слайд 3 Vocabulary Practice Ex.1, p.102

Vocabulary Practice Ex.1, p.102

Слайд 4 Speaking Practice
What modern means of transport do you

Speaking Practice What modern means of transport do you know?What is

What is your favourite means of transport? Why?
What do

you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? Why?
What do you think is the safest form of transportation? Why?
Is parking a problem in your town/city?
Is there any environmentally-friendly transportation in your area?

Слайд 5 Speaking Practice
Ex. 2, p.102

Speaking Practice Ex. 2, p.102

Слайд 6 Vocabulary Practice Ex.3, p.102

Vocabulary Practice Ex.3, p.102

Слайд 7 Reading Practice

Reading PracticeEx.4,p.102

Слайд 8 New Vocabulary Ex.5,p.103

New Vocabulary Ex.5,p.103

Слайд 9 New vocabulary Ex.5,p.103

New vocabulary Ex.5,p.103

Слайд 10 Have a rest!

Have a rest!

Слайд 11 Speaking Practice

Speaking Practice

Слайд 12 Summing up…
What did you do at the lesson?

Summing up…What did you do at the lesson?Were the tasks difficult

the tasks difficult or easy for you?
How did you

feel at the lesson?
Are you satisfied with your work at the lesson?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-ekologicheski-chistye-vidy-transporta.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 197
  • Количество скачиваний: 6