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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему School life (5 класс)

Let’s sing the songWhat is it about?What school subjects do you do at school?Do you like to go to school? Why?Who is your class teacher?How many girls and boys are there in your class?
SchoolBELLS AND BREAKS Let’s sing the songWhat is it about?What school subjects do you do Unscramble the words1. ncescie    2. liengsh 	3. nchfre Complete the sentences… is a school where students study and live;… is Match the proverbs with their translationsLost time is never found again.Live and Answer the questions in pairs. Give a report Do you like your What kind of school is our school?schoolsstateindependentfor girlsfor boysmixedboardingusual Complete the mind-mapschool Be ready to speak about our schoolschoolschool rulestimetablebuildingsubjectsclassroomssportsclubsfamous for Self-evaluationCan you describe (описать) your school to a foreigner (иностранец)?What mark will HometaskRevise active vocabulary of the unitMake a booklet or a presentation about your school (In pairs) Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Let’s sing the song
What is it about?
What school

Let’s sing the songWhat is it about?What school subjects do you

subjects do you do at school?
Do you like to

go to school? Why?
Who is your class teacher?
How many girls and boys are there in your class?

Слайд 3 Unscramble the words
1. ncescie 2.

Unscramble the words1. ncescie  2. liengsh 	3. nchfre

liengsh 3. nchfre

4.tohisry 5.tar 6. rusansi 7.dihancraft 8. simuc

Слайд 4 Complete the sentences
… is a school where students

Complete the sentences… is a school where students study and live;…

study and live;
… is a school which parents have

to pay for;
… is clothes which children have to wear to school;
… is a place where children do sports;
… is a place where students have their lunch;

Слайд 5 Match the proverbs with their translations
Lost time is

Match the proverbs with their translationsLost time is never found again.Live

never found again.
Live and learn.
You never know what

you can do till you try.
Work done, have your fun.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Learn young, learn fair.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Никогда не узнаешь, на что способен, пока не попытаешься.
Сделал дело – гуляй смело.
Потерянного времени не воротишь.
Век живи, век учись.
Учись быть справедливым в молодости.
Повторение – мать учения.
Мало знаний – это опасно.

Слайд 6 Answer the questions in pairs. Give a report


Answer the questions in pairs. Give a report Do you like

you like your timetable? Why? Why not?
What is your

favorite school subject?
What subjects are the most difficult for you?
What marks do you usually get at school? Why?

Слайд 7 What kind of school is our school?
for girls

What kind of school is our school?schoolsstateindependentfor girlsfor boysmixedboardingusual


Слайд 8 Complete the mind-map


Complete the mind-mapschool

Слайд 9 Be ready to speak about our school

school rules


Be ready to speak about our schoolschoolschool rulestimetablebuildingsubjectsclassroomssportsclubsfamous for

Слайд 10 Self-evaluation
Can you describe (описать) your school to a

Self-evaluationCan you describe (описать) your school to a foreigner (иностранец)?What mark

foreigner (иностранец)?
What mark will you put yourself for the

lesson? Why?
Did you do your best?

Слайд 11 Hometask
Revise active vocabulary of the unit
Make a booklet

HometaskRevise active vocabulary of the unitMake a booklet or a presentation about your school (In pairs)

or a presentation about your school (In pairs)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-school-life-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 162
  • Количество скачиваний: 0