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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Past Simple . Past Continuous.

What did you do yesterday? readdo the shopping play tennisskiskate
Тарасова Л.А.учитель английского языка МБОУ Школа № 2109 Past SimplePast Continuous What did you do yesterday? readdo the shopping play tennisskiskate Past Simple= 2 form ( ……..ed )readdoplayskiskatereaddidplayedskiedskatedWho What did he do yesterday?dressplaylisten (to ) helpwashwalk Where were you yesterday?bewas( were)I was in…….. Where were you yesterday?bewas( were)I was in…….. What was the weather like in ……?The weather was….in…….. He was late for the lesson.Was he late for the lesson ? Ask the question to the followingWe were in time.You were right.I was Ask the question……..When there is no ‘was’ or ‘were’ use ‘did’ to Ask questions ……He came home.They played well.I did it.They were there.He was How to say ‘no’Was it in summer?No, it was not . ( Put into negative He went to school yesterday. was( were)did not ___edHe - Did they eat bananas ?- No, they didn’t eat bananas.They ate apples. Disagree We went home They knew the truthWe played wellHe opened it Put into negative They opened the books We came in time He Check yourself They didn’t open the books We didn’t come in time Past Continuous He ( go ) to school …..He was going to What was he doing at ……o’clock yesterday? How to ask a question He was going to school.Was he going Ask  a question and check yourself …..He was doing it ..They Negative :  was (were) + not Was he reading ?No, he Were they skiing?No, they were not skiing. They were skating Он пришел, когда мы обедали.Он пришел, когда мы обедали. The phone rang when she was ………inghangpackdecoratewritekisscarry in When mother came home …. …… was ( were) _____ing Charles was ____ingSam was ____ingwhile Open the bracketsOur friends ( gather) in the garden when father ( Check yourselfOur friends were gathering in the garden when father came.I was What were you doing all this lesson?Were you listening?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
What did you do yesterday?

do the shopping

What did you do yesterday? readdo the shopping play tennisskiskate

play tennis

Слайд 3

Past Simple
= 2 form ( ……..ed )



Past Simple= 2 form ( ……..ed )readdoplayskiskatereaddidplayedskiedskatedWho

Слайд 4
What did he do yesterday?
listen (to )

What did he do yesterday?dressplaylisten (to ) helpwashwalk

Слайд 5
Where were you yesterday?
was( were)
I was in……..

Where were you yesterday?bewas( were)I was in……..

Слайд 6
Where were you yesterday?
was( were)
I was in……..

Where were you yesterday?bewas( were)I was in……..

Слайд 7
What was the weather like in ……?
The weather

What was the weather like in ……?The weather was….in……..


Слайд 8
He was late for the lesson.

Was he late

He was late for the lesson.Was he late for the lesson

for the lesson ?
was ( were) выносится на

первое место

How to ask questions …..

Слайд 9 Ask the question to the following
We were in

Ask the question to the followingWe were in time.You were right.I

You were right.
I was at home .
She was ill.

He was in Paris.

Were we in time?
Were you right?
Were you at home?
Was she ill?
Was he in Paris?

Слайд 10 Ask the question……..

When there is no ‘was’ or

Ask the question……..When there is no ‘was’ or ‘were’ use ‘did’

‘were’ use ‘did’ to form the question. But remember

‘did’ takes the past

He played tennis yesterday.

Did he played tennis yesterday?

Слайд 11 Ask questions ……
He came home.
They played well.
I did

Ask questions ……He came home.They played well.I did it.They were there.He

They were there.
He was wrong.

Did he come home?
Did they

play well?
Did I do it?
Were they there?
Was he wrong?

Слайд 12 How to say ‘no’
Was it in summer?
No, it

How to say ‘no’Was it in summer?No, it was not .

was not .
( No, it wasn’t )

(were) + not

Слайд 13 Put into negative

He went to school yesterday.

Put into negative He went to school yesterday. was( were)did not

was( were)
did not ___ed
He didn’t go to school yesterday.

Слайд 14

- Did they eat bananas ?

- No, they

- Did they eat bananas ?- No, they didn’t eat bananas.They ate apples.

didn’t eat bananas.
They ate apples.

Слайд 15 Disagree
We went home

They knew the truth


Disagree We went home They knew the truthWe played wellHe opened

played well

He opened it
We didn’t go home

They didn’t

know the truth
We didn’t play well

He didn’t open it

Слайд 16 Put into negative
They opened the books

Put into negative They opened the books We came in time

came in time
He was late for the lesson

She became famous
I bought everything I asked
You wanted me to do this

Слайд 17 Check yourself
They didn’t open the books

Check yourself They didn’t open the books We didn’t come in

didn’t come in time
He wasn’t late for the

She didn’t become famous
I didn’t buy everything I asked
You didn’t want me to do this

Слайд 18 Past Continuous
He ( go ) to school …..

Past Continuous He ( go ) to school …..He was going

was going to school …
We ( play ) football

all evening.
We were playing football all evening.

was ( were ) ………..ing

Слайд 19 What was he doing at ……o’clock yesterday?

What was he doing at ……o’clock yesterday?

Слайд 20 How to ask a question

He was going

How to ask a question He was going to school.Was he

to school.

Was he going to school

They were standing

Were they standing…..

Слайд 21 Ask a question and check yourself …..

Ask a question and check yourself …..He was doing it ..They

was doing it ..
They were going..
I was coming late

were listening..

Was he doing it?
Were they going..?
Was I coming late?
Were we listening..?

Слайд 22
Negative : was (were) + not

Negative : was (were) + not Was he reading ?No, he

Was he reading ?
No, he wasn’t reading. He was

watching TV.

Слайд 23

Were they skiing?
No, they were not skiing. They

Were they skiing?No, they were not skiing. They were skating

were skating

Слайд 24
Он пришел, когда мы обедали.
Он пришел, когда мы

Он пришел, когда мы обедали.Он пришел, когда мы обедали.


have ( dinner )
He came when we were having dinner

Past Simple

Past Continuous



Слайд 25 The phone rang when she was ………ing
carry in

The phone rang when she was ………inghangpackdecoratewritekisscarry in

Слайд 26 When mother came home …. …… was ( were)

When mother came home …. …… was ( were) _____ing


Слайд 27
Charles was ____ing
Sam was ____ing

Charles was ____ingSam was ____ingwhile

Слайд 28 Open the brackets
Our friends ( gather) in the

Open the bracketsOur friends ( gather) in the garden when father

garden when father ( come).
I (send) a postcard to

my granny when I (see) her in the street
She ( walk) in the street when she ( meet) Sue.
We ( watch) TV when Charles ( leave)

Слайд 29 Check yourself
Our friends were gathering in the garden

Check yourselfOur friends were gathering in the garden when father came.I

when father came.
I was sending a postcard to my

granny when I saw her in the street
She was walking in the street when she met Sue.
We were watching TV when Charles left ( was leaving)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-past-simple-past-continuous.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 83
  • Количество скачиваний: 0