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Презентация на тему Методическая разработка по фиьму Я. Бертрана HOME

5. Since ______ the volume of international trade has increased by _____ times over.6. ________ of trade goes by sea.7. _____________ containers are transported every year.8. Building _______________ in the sea for example.9. Dubai has no
Insert the correct word A fleet of trucks from every corner of 5. Since ______ the volume of international trade has increased by _____ Read the text and find the synonyms to the words in BOLDSince fivefold 							worn outexhausted							imitatedepleted 							nowadaysreproduce							scarecurrent rate 						five times morethreatened 						fundamentalstaple 								dead Put the statements into correct order (39:20- 45:10)1.The fields' circular shape derives True or False?India risks to suffer the most, because it’s overpopulated.in the 5. Los Angeles is a city with tropical vegetation and lush golf
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 5. Since ______ the volume of international trade

5. Since ______ the volume of international trade has increased by

has increased by _____ times over.
6. ________ of trade

goes by sea.
7. _____________ containers are transported every year.
8. Building _______________ in the sea for example.
9. Dubai has no __________, but it can Import food.
10. It has no water but it can desalinate _________ to build the highest ____________ in the world.

Слайд 3 Read the text and find the synonyms to

Read the text and find the synonyms to the words in

the words in BOLD
Since 1950, fishing catches have increased

fivefold from 18 to 100 million metric tons a year. Thousands of factory ships are emptying the oceans. Three-quarters of fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted or in danger of being so. Most large fish have been fished out of existence since they have no time to reproduce. We are destroying the cycle of a life that was given to us. At the current rate, all fish stocks are threatened with exhaustion. Fish is the staple diet of one in five humans.

Слайд 4
fivefold worn out
exhausted imitate
depleted nowadays
reproduce scare
current rate five times more

fivefold 							worn outexhausted							imitatedepleted 							nowadaysreproduce							scarecurrent rate 						five times morethreatened 						fundamentalstaple 								dead

staple dead

Слайд 5 Put the statements into correct order (39:20- 45:10)

Put the statements into correct order (39:20- 45:10)1.The fields' circular shape

fields' circular shape derives from the pipes that irrigate

them around a central pivot.
2. The once mighty River Jordan is now just a trickle.
3. But the fossil water reserves are severely depleted.
4.Across the planet, one major river in ten no longer flows into the sea for several months of the year.
5. Here, they depend on wells replenished by fossil water, which accumulated underground back when it rained on these deserts.
6. 500 million humans live in the world's desert lands, more than the combined population of Europe.

Слайд 6 True or False?
India risks to suffer the most,

True or False?India risks to suffer the most, because it’s overpopulated.in

because it’s overpopulated.
in the last 70 years 21 million

wells have been dug and 30 % abandoned.
In the dry season, local village women dig wells with their bare hands.
800 to 1,000 liters of water are consumed per person per day.

  • Имя файла: metodicheskaya-razrabotka-po-fimu-ya-bertrana-home.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 166
  • Количество скачиваний: 0