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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Applying for a Job (9 класс)

The Theme : “Applying for a Job”
Let’s find out The Theme : “Applying for a Job” The fundamentals of English grammar Conditional Sentences Unreal  Action (refers to the present and to the future)VIIМы бы If I were an engineer I would create a machine of time If I were ….I would Looking for a job is a job in itself- поиск работы это Work in groups:Job -huntersImployersSpecialists Curriculum vitae(CV)1.	Personal details (name, address, telephone, email)2.	Permission from parents3.	Salary4.	Work experience 5.	Skills 6.	Interests “It doesn’t matter what job you do.It’s how you do it” HOMEWORK: Write your CV and a letter of application. You are
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 The Theme :
“Applying for a Job”

The Theme : “Applying for a Job”

Слайд 5 The fundamentals of English grammar
Conditional Sentences

The fundamentals of English grammar Conditional Sentences

Слайд 6 Unreal Action (refers to the present and to

Unreal Action (refers to the present and to the future)VIIМы бы

the future)
Мы бы спасали диких и вымирающих животных, если

бы мы создавали (сейчас) больше заповедников.
We would save wild and endangered animals if we opened more national parks.



Future Simple in the Past

would +

Past Simple

If I were you…
If I were in your shoes…
If I/he/she were a president…








Если бы я был на твоём месте...

to be

Слайд 7 If I were an engineer I would create a

If I were an engineer I would create a machine of

machine of time to travel in different times

бы я был инженером я бы...

Слайд 8 If I were ….I would

If I were ….I would

Слайд 10 Looking for a job is a job in

Looking for a job is a job in itself- поиск работы

itself- поиск работы это тоже работа
A job- hunter –человек,

который ищет работу
A curriculum vitae(CV)- резюме
An advertisement- реклама
A potential employer- потенциальный работодатель
To hire- нанимать
Experienced- опытный

Слайд 11 Work in groups:
Job -hunters

Work in groups:Job -huntersImployersSpecialists

Слайд 12 Curriculum vitae(CV)
1. Personal details (name, address, telephone, email)
2. Permission from

Curriculum vitae(CV)1.	Personal details (name, address, telephone, email)2.	Permission from parents3.	Salary4.	Work experience 5.	Skills 6.	Interests

3. Salary
4. Work experience
5. Skills
6. Interests

Слайд 13
“It doesn’t matter

“It doesn’t matter what job you do.It’s how you do it”

what job you do.
It’s how you do it”

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-applying-for-a-job-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 162
  • Количество скачиваний: 1