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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Речевые опоры как средство развития говорения на уроках английского языка 9-11 классах. УМК Английский в фокусе

Сlass 9 Module 1 Your attitude to New Year and Christmas I just think it’s time to … I guess the main reason
Учитель английского языкаМорозова Марина РомановнаМОУ СШ № 6 г. Гаврилов - ЯмРечевые Сlass 9 Module 1  Your attitude Module 5 Class 9 Literature. Books   - play an important Module 6  Class 9  Town  Use the following expressions: Module 6 Class 9  TownI think that ………. make(s) my Module 6 Class 9  Local attractions1. There is/are … what?... in Module 3 Class 10 Are you a good language learner?Put my hand Module 5 Class 10 A time to celebrate Class 11  Module 3  Family issues1. Family values.
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Слайд 2 Сlass 9 Module 1 Your attitude

Сlass 9 Module 1 Your attitude

to New Year and Christmas

I just think it’s time to …
I guess the main reason I like New Year is because…
I do like …
It’s not that I’m against …
I can honestly say …
I mostly like …
The thing is …

Слайд 3 Module 5 Class 9 Literature. Books

Module 5 Class 9 Literature. Books  - play an important

- play an important part in people’s life

(books, reading)
- be keen on reading
- buy books at a bookshop, borrow from friends, take out from libraries
- expand the mind (books, reading)
- help to solve a lot of problems, to discover a lot of new things, to explore new ideas, to entertain oneself and feel comfortable
- a good way to relax and to spend free time in a useful way (reading)

Слайд 4 Module 6 Class 9 Town Use

Module 6 Class 9 Town Use the following expressions: have funenjoy

the following expressions:
have fun
enjoy oneself
learn something new
have an

enjoyable visit
a new exhibition
some of the exhibits are..
a souvenir shop
have a good day out
you can/can’t touch
the most attractive

Слайд 5 Module 6 Class 9 Town

I think

Module 6 Class 9 TownI think that ………. make(s) my

that ………. make(s) my town attractive for tourists. Why?

1-2 reasons
My town needs … (What?) to be a better tourist destination.
I think problem of … should be taken into account which caused by tourist development.

Слайд 6 Module 6 Class 9 Local attractions
1. There

Module 6 Class 9 Local attractions1. There is/are … what?... in

is/are … what?... in my town, in my school.

You can see …what? …in this museum.
3. Museum was opened … when?
4. Who?.. leads the excursion … where?
5. The museum has exhibits/ exhibition about…
6. Here you will find on show: what?
7. The museum is unique, because …
8. It’s popular, because …
9. Many visitors come to … where?
10. They want to see/ know about …

Слайд 7 Module 3 Class 10 Are you a good

Module 3 Class 10 Are you a good language learner?Put my

language learner?
Put my hand up in class
Find language easy

to learn
Bring my English book in class
Have my English vocabulary
Very well organized
Worry about verb tenses at night
Never cheat in tests
Do whatever a teacher asks me to do
Do the homework
Ask questions in class

Prefer drawing in my book
Love to make jokes in class
Miss my language lessons
Take twice as long as other students to finish anything
Rarely speak in class
Don’t study very hard
Cheat in tests
Forget my book
Never have notebooks

Слайд 8 Module 5 Class 10 A time to

Module 5 Class 10 A time to celebrate


What is a tradition?
a link with the history of the country
brings family together
helps create ties of a lifetime
the gift to pass down from parent to child, and from friend to friend
a holiday
a traditional food
special decorations

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