the presentation and you want to read this text
to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out loud. You will have not more than 1.5 minutes to read it.It is certainly true that a lot of American foodstuffs, white bread, most cheeses, nearly all convenience foods, most beers and coffees, are not as full of flavor or as varied as their counterparts in Europe. Why is this?
The main reason is cost. Everything in America is determined on cost, far more than in other countries. If price is a factor between competing business then the cheaper business will inevitably drive out the more expensive one. This rarely leads to improved quality. The second reason is that Americans are very attached to uniformity. That is, they actually like things to be the same wherever they go.
Take the example of Starbucks, a chain of coffee shops in America. If you are looking for a coffee bar the choice is almost Starbucks or nothing. No, there is nothing wrong with Starbucks, but there is nothing all that special either. The impression you get is that Starbucks’ principal motivating force is not to produce the finest coffees but to produce more coffee bars.