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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet

Some words about the author of the story William Shakespeare is an English poet and play writer. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. Shakespeare's works show traces of an extremely erudite person, highly educated,
William Shakespeare Some words about the author of the story  William Shakespeare is In what way does the story begins? Is the reader’s interest awakened From whose point of view is the story told?In Romeo and Juliet, Is the plot the important feature of this story or is it Does the story end as the reader expects?  The reader does Is the title appropriate? Does it reflect the plot of the story Which method of portraying characters does the author employ: direct or indirect? What is the author’s attitude to main character?   In the What words and expressions does the author use?  Many scholars correctly Which items of the story bear touches of irony?   One Examples of similes metaphors, epithets    Shakespeare uses various kinds What is typical for this prose?  Usually Shakespeare's tragedy Like or dislike the story  All in all I liked the Thank you for your attention Shatalkina Elena10AThank you/.Excellent
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Some words about the author of the story

Some words about the author of the story William Shakespeare is

William Shakespeare is an English poet and play

writer. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. Shakespeare's works show traces of an extremely erudite person, highly educated, proficient in languages, who has knowledge of other countries. Shakespeare can be considered a genius because of the endurance of his works as well as the range of topics and the successful employment of humor, tragedy and drama
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
William Shakespeare

Слайд 3 In what way does the story begins? Is

In what way does the story begins? Is the reader’s interest

the reader’s interest awakened at once, how does the

author achieve it.

Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy. Tragedy is a dramatic work in which the hero's encounter with the world is depicted, his death and the collapse of the ideal.
The story starts with a prologue. In the prologue the choirs enters the stage and briefly tells the story of the whole play in his speech.
This was made so that the reader’s interest can be awaken at once or he can decide for himself that he does not like tragedy, for example. If you already know roughly what is the story about, you can easily get all into the story and understand everything.

P.S. In ancient times, in ancient tragedies there was such a character - a choir consisting of a group of actors. He expressed the author's opinion, expressed his attitude to what was happening, commented on the events. Shakespeare used this technique of ancient authors to immediately adjust the audience to the tragedy, only in his play the role of the choir was performed by one actor.)

Слайд 4 From whose point of view is the story

From whose point of view is the story told?In Romeo and

In Romeo and Juliet, the whole play was written

in third person point of view.
Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun.” As we can see, Shakespeare used third person when he was referring to Romeo. He used the word “he”, which right away should be able to tell us that he was using third person point of view. William Shakespeare mostly used third person point of view because he couldn’t connect the stories to events in his life.

P.S. Third person point of view is the one most commonly used in literature. It provides the most flexibility for the author. The terms that can help you notice third person are if the author uses words such as “he, she, they” and etc. In third person point of view it is very obvious that the narrator is not involved in the story; the narrator is not a character within the story.

Слайд 5 Is the plot the important feature of this

Is the plot the important feature of this story or is

story or is it a minor importance?
Of course, the

plot is an important feature of the story, as in any other stories. We can say that this plot will be important for all loving teenagers having relatives.
The plot is plotted in the Capuletti house during the masquerade. Naturally, the Montagues did not wait there, but Romeo and his friend make their way to the territory of the enemy with a personal purpose. Romeo wants to see his beloved Rosalina, but meets Juliet. The young man immediately forgets about Rosaline, realizing that her feelings for her were only his romantic impulse. And feelings for Juliet fully embrace the young Montague. Their sympathy turns out to be mutual. At the masquerade, the first kiss of lovers happens.

The main events include the development of relations between Romeo and Juliet, their marriage, the duel of Romeo and Tybalt, the expulsion of Romeo, the help of Brother Lorenzo, the suicide of lovers and the reconciliation of clans.
The culmination is a scene in the crypt, when every hero, considering his lover dead, decides to die.

Слайд 6 Does the story end as the reader expects?

Does the story end as the reader expects? The reader does

The reader does not expect such an ending.

We are used to stories with a good ending, where the main characters live happily ever after and die in one day, but here the detail "live long and happily" is omitted. Romeo and Juliet did not live their lives and died of stupidity. This is the most disappointing and unexpected ending that could happen.

Слайд 7 Is the title appropriate? Does it reflect the

Is the title appropriate? Does it reflect the plot of the

plot of the story or just one of its

minor aspects?

This is a romantic story about two unfortunate teenagers who could not create their own family, because of their parents. Romeo and Juliet are names that are symbols of a huge, all-consuming, sacrificial passion. The name reflects the plot of the story.

Слайд 8 Which method of portraying characters does the author

Which method of portraying characters does the author employ: direct or

employ: direct or indirect?
The method of portraying

characters is indirect. It means that the writer reveals information about a character and his personality through that character's thoughts, words, and actions, along with how other characters respond to that character, including what they think and say about him.

Слайд 9 What is the author’s attitude to main character?

What is the author’s attitude to main character?  In the

In the play "Romeo and Juliet" we

can see that the author’s negative attitude can be observed quite clearly. After all, in the play, life, as they say, beats the key, in the foreground are good people, overcoming the forces of evil. However, the inhumanity shown by the playwright is not so unarmed. It overshadows the life, threatens it and takes revenge.

Слайд 10 What words and expressions does the author use?

What words and expressions does the author use? Many scholars correctly

Many scholars correctly note that Shakespeare, being a

master of the sonnet syllable, very successfully used his poetic experience in creating images of characters. The fact is that he is the author of a whole cycle of sonnets, which are considered the standard of love lyrics.

The genre of this work sometimes causes controversy among literary scholars because this work is written in a sonnet language. Therefore, it is imbued with high humanistic pathos, which greatly distinguishes the narrative from the classical heavy tragedies of Shakespeare, which he created during his mature work.
Many literary scholars justly point out that the author used a special sonnet language to convey the love experiences of the characters. This is another fundamental difference between the story and other works of the playwright.

Слайд 11 Which items of the story bear touches of

Which items of the story bear touches of irony?  One

One of the moments that bear

touches the irony, is the moment of the play when we can hear the Romeo's tragic lines about hot alive Juliet before he drinks the poison to kill himself because he thinks she is dead. She is just about to wake from her fake-death, and Romeo spends 30 lines or so in Act 5, scene 3 to tell her seemingly dead body how alive it actually looks. He notices the color coming back to her cheeks, the warmth of her body, and the beauty that has not been altered by Death's presence. So he kisses her alive body and takes the poison to kill himself.
Thirty seconds later, Juliet wakes up wondering where Romeo is. Boy, that really stinks. The greatest irony though is the fact that the hate between these two families was destroyed by true love.

Слайд 12 Examples of similes metaphors, epithets

Examples of similes metaphors, epithets  Shakespeare uses various kinds of

Shakespeare uses various kinds of metaphors in his poetry:

a sharp metaphor, an erased metaphor, a metaphor developed, a metaphor implemented. In Shakespeare's sonnets metaphors allow one to feel the psychological state of the lyric hero, as well as the deep features of his character, life experience and worldview.
In the work "Romeo and Juliet" there are various metaphors. In this play, W. Shakespeare uses expressive means of speech. For example, he uses the metaphor "light" to describe the beauty of Juliet. In some scenes, Romeo says that Juliet also emits light as a radiant as "torches", in other scenes Romeo describes Juliet as "sunlight". In general, in many scenes W. Shakespeare uses the term "light" to describe beauty, death and love.

We see a large number of epithets in Romeo and Juliet, mostly epithets expressed by one adjective: fatal loins, fearful passage, rebellious subjects, pernicious rage, loving hate, heavy lightness, serious vanity, assailing eyes, holy shrine, blushing pilgrims, foul murder.
Basically, all the above epithets convey a pronounced oppressed state; they are gloomy and desperate. Among them there are also complex, multi-component epithets: death-marked love, , saint-seducing gold, ill-beseeming semblance, love-devouring death, fire-eyed fury, black and portentous humor.
Epithets strengthen the emotional impact on the reader, psychological tension is increasing. An effect of waiting for the inevitable end, foreboding of a formidable outcome, is created.

Слайд 13 What is typical for this prose?

What is typical for this prose? Usually Shakespeare's tragedy

Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is perceived as a

hymn of love, overcoming all obstacles in its path for the sake of its purity. All this, of course, is true, but in the present study we will be interested in a more prosaic thing, namely, that philosophically significant invariant that has been keeping the generations of people in contact with the great creation for more than four hundred years. Indeed, in this, as in any other beautiful work, all the principles are so closely interconnected that there is no possibility of their separation, so that the form in it will always give out content, and the content will assert itself in form. Therefore, admiring the tragedy of Shakespeare, you inevitably begin to move from emotions to a rational attitude toward it, ultimately - to its philosophical comprehension. And if in his work, created to express an idea, contains a clot of emotions, then necessarily on his behalf there must be a clot of philosophically significant position.

Слайд 14 Like or dislike the story
All in

Like or dislike the story All in all I liked the

all I liked the story a lot. From our

characters we can learn to be kindness, love and dedication. Romeo and Juliet is the greatest work about the tragic love life of two young teenagers. This work left an incredible mark on my soul. This plot in the literature will be as long as humanity will love.

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