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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Я и моя будущая карьера(11класс)

Chemistry is one of the most important Sciences that allows us to understand the processes taking place around us.
Steps to my dream professionFulfilled Shustova Kira Chemistry is one of the most important Sciences that allows us to The chemist technologist is a specialist who develops new or improves the The above-mentioned specialists develop the technological regulations, which indicate those or other Peculiarities of training It is rather difficult and long to study the To become a chemical engineer, you must initially have a number of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Chemistry is one of the most important Sciences

Chemistry is one of the most important Sciences that allows us

that allows us to understand the processes taking place

around us.

Слайд 3 The chemist technologist is a specialist who develops

The chemist technologist is a specialist who develops new or improves

new or improves the old processes for the production

of any product. A chemical engineer can specialize in plastics, organic resins, varnishes, paints, fuels, explosives, glass, cement, ceramics, etc.

Слайд 4 The above-mentioned specialists develop the technological regulations, which

The above-mentioned specialists develop the technological regulations, which indicate those or

indicate those or other parameters of temperature and pressure,

as well as the possibility of using certain components and catalysts. And what is important, the technological process must be economically justified, since this, too, is included in the area of operations of the chemical technologist.

Слайд 5 Peculiarities of training
It is rather difficult and

Peculiarities of training It is rather difficult and long to study

long to study the named specialty. Chemist-technologist (we will

present the description of the profession in our article) in addition to the basic disciplines, such as organic, inorganic, colloid, physical, analytical, etc., chemistry, must study technological disciplines.

Слайд 6 To become a chemical engineer, you must initially

To become a chemical engineer, you must initially have a number

have a number of qualities that are important in

a professional sense:
A future chemist of any specialization, including a technologist, must have analytical thinking and technical skills.
This specialty is suitable for those who can concentrate their attention and have an excellent memory for numbers, signs, symbols.
Since this work is quite painstaking, a person who has dedicated himself to her must be diligent and patient. He should be able to distinguish a large range of colors and have an excellent sense of smell.
In addition, he must understand all his responsibility, since in some cases human life will depend on his skills and knowledge.

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