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Презентация на тему Food and drink

Step 1. Food and drink
The 24th of October Step 1. Food and drink What do you like? / What don’t you like? Listen to the text and choose the words on the topic “Food” Vocabulary:Need - [ni:d] – қажет етуFlour - [flauә] – ұнSalt - [solt] Indefinite pronouns (белгісіздік есімдіктер)Some болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады There are some apples on Exercise 1Complete the sentences using some or any.There is … juice in Ex: 2 P: 209Put some or any in the correct place in Game: PolyglotA friend in need is a 			 indeed. (дос)A tree is Puzzle timeHow many words can you find in this word-snake?SWEETEAPPLEATOOKNOWASHANPINNERUNOTHINK Homework:Step 1; learn the new words and grammar rule;Ex: 11, 15GOOD BYE!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Step 1. Food and drink

Step 1. Food and drink

Слайд 4 What do you like? / What don’t you

What do you like? / What don’t you like?


Слайд 5 Listen to the text and choose the words

Listen to the text and choose the words on the topic “Food”

on the topic “Food”

Слайд 6 Vocabulary:
Need - [ni:d] – қажет ету
Flour - [flauә]

Vocabulary:Need - [ni:d] – қажет етуFlour - [flauә] – ұнSalt -

– ұн
Salt - [solt] – тұз
Make - [meik]

– жасау
Excellent - [eksәlәnt] - өте жақсы
Money - [mΛni] – ақша
Some - [sΛm] – біраз, аздаған, бірнеше
Any - [eni] – қандай да бір, әйтеуір бір

Слайд 7 Indefinite pronouns (белгісіздік есімдіктер)
Some болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады
There are

Indefinite pronouns (белгісіздік есімдіктер)Some болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады There are some apples

some apples on the table. (+)
Some біреуден бір нәрсе

сұрағанда немесе бір нәрсе ұсынғанда қолданылады.
Would you like some coffee? (?)

Any болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде қолданылады.
Is there any water in the glass? (+)
I haven’t got any sisters. (-)

Слайд 8 Exercise 1
Complete the sentences using some or any.

Exercise 1Complete the sentences using some or any.There is … juice

is … juice in the cup.
Is there …

money in your pocket?
There aren’t … old trees in the park.
We haven’t got … small pets.
There is … meat in the shop.
Has she got … tights?

Слайд 9 Ex: 2 P: 209
Put some or any in

Ex: 2 P: 209Put some or any in the correct place

the correct place in each sentence.
Is there wine

in the fridge.
Are there eggs?
There aren’t biscuits.
Is there cheese on the menu?
Can we have oranges, please?
Would you like vegetables with your steak?

Слайд 10 Game: Polyglot
A friend in need is a

Game: PolyglotA friend in need is a 			 indeed. (дос)A tree

indeed. (дос)
A tree is known by its .

news has wings. (жаман)
East or West – is best. (үй)
Everything is in its season. (жақсы)
First , then speak. (ойлау)
differ. (талғам)

Слайд 11 Puzzle time
How many words can you find in

Puzzle timeHow many words can you find in this word-snake?SWEETEAPPLEATOOKNOWASHANPINNERUNOTHINK

this word-snake?


  • Имя файла: food-and-drink.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 0