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Презентация на тему В помощь учителям английского языка: My day.

WednesdayFridayDays offSchool daysSchool days
MY DAYKlimova Sasha3 «B» class МБОУ «Школа № 96» WednesdayFridayDays offSchool daysSchool days Then I dress, clean my teeth and wash my face and hands. At seven o’clock I have a breakfast. I usually eat bread and At 7.20-am o’clock I go to school.School № 96 At 8-am o’clock the lessons begin. At 1.30-pm o’clock I go home from the school. School № 96 I have dinner at 2-pm o’clock. I usually eat soup and salad. Then I have free time I play with my toys and read books of animals. Every day I help my mother about the house. Later 4-pm o’clock I make my home work and read books for school. At 6-pm o’ clock I have supper. I usually At 7 o’ clock in the evening in  Wednesday, Friday, I DAYS OFF Sometimes I go for a walk and play with my I go to bed and sleep  at 9-pm o’clock.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Wednesday
School days
School days

WednesdayFridayDays offSchool daysSchool days

Слайд 3 Then I dress, clean my teeth and wash

Then I dress, clean my teeth and wash my face and

my face and hands.
I usually get up at

6.20 o’clock.

Слайд 4 At seven o’clock I have a breakfast.

At seven o’clock I have a breakfast. I usually eat bread

usually eat bread and butter, eggs and tea, either


Слайд 5 At 7.20-am o’clock I go to school.
School №

At 7.20-am o’clock I go to school.School № 96

Слайд 6 At 8-am o’clock the lessons begin.

At 8-am o’clock the lessons begin.

Слайд 7 At 1.30-pm o’clock I go home from the

At 1.30-pm o’clock I go home from the school. School № 96

School № 96

Слайд 8 I have dinner at 2-pm o’clock. I usually

I have dinner at 2-pm o’clock. I usually eat soup and salad.

eat soup and salad.

Слайд 9 Then I have free time I play

Then I have free time I play with my toys and read books of animals.

my toys and read books of animals.

Слайд 10 Every day I help my mother about the

Every day I help my mother about the house.


Слайд 11 Later 4-pm o’clock I make my home work

Later 4-pm o’clock I make my home work and read books for school.

and read books for school.

Слайд 12 At 6-pm o’ clock I have supper. I

At 6-pm o’ clock I have supper. I usually

usually eat spaghetti with meat.

Слайд 13 At 7 o’ clock in the evening in

At 7 o’ clock in the evening in Wednesday, Friday, I go to the club dance.

Wednesday, Friday, I go to the club dance.

Слайд 14 DAYS OFF

Sometimes I go for a walk

DAYS OFF Sometimes I go for a walk and play with

and play with my friends in the evening, either

ride a bike.

Sometimes I play with my sister.

I usually come home at 8-pm o’clock.

I usually get up at 8-am o’clock in the days off.

  • Имя файла: v-pomoshch-uchitelyam-angliyskogo-yazyka-my-day.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0