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Презентация на тему по экологии на английском языке

The disposal of rubbish has been a social and environmental problem for thousands of years.
Project: «There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth.  The disposal of rubbish has been a social and environmental problem When I hear the word “rubbish” I imagine: packaged and wrapped goods Not all the wastes are biodegradable; some of them need to be Some sorting containers appear in our city, too. Unfortunately, people of our town don't understand that all depend on us. What do people do with rubbish? There are two ways of the disposal of rubbish. Let’s compare the experience of different countries.№1 – recycling We made a research between the students of our technical schoola’s – Our suggestions: – put bins on every street corner – use bicycles The rule of 3 Rs: REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! It is never too late to mend.Никогда не поздно исправиться.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
The disposal of rubbish has been a social

The disposal of rubbish has been a social and environmental

and environmental problem for thousands of years.

Слайд 3 When I hear the word “rubbish” I imagine:

When I hear the word “rubbish” I imagine: packaged and wrapped

packaged and wrapped goods in plastic disposable products, old

things, old clothes and old furniture.

Слайд 4 Not all the wastes are biodegradable; some of

Not all the wastes are biodegradable; some of them need to

them need to be recycled. That's why we have

to sort them. 

Слайд 5

Some sorting containers appear in our city, too.

Some sorting containers appear in our city, too.

Слайд 6 Unfortunately, people of our town don't understand that

Unfortunately, people of our town don't understand that all depend on us.

all depend on us.

Слайд 7 What do people do with rubbish?

What do people do with rubbish?

Слайд 8 There are two ways of the disposal of

There are two ways of the disposal of rubbish.


Слайд 9 Let’s compare the experience of different countries.

№1 –

Let’s compare the experience of different countries.№1 – recycling  №2

recycling №2 – burning

№3 – put in landfill sites

Слайд 10 We made a research between the students of

We made a research between the students of our technical schoola’s

our technical school
a’s – are not very green.
b’s –

are trying to be more green.
c’s – are really green!

Слайд 11 Our suggestions:
– put bins on every street corner –

Our suggestions: – put bins on every street corner – use

use bicycles – create more parks – try not to buy

pre-repacked food – don’t use aerosols, they pollute the air

Слайд 12 The rule of 3 Rs: REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE!

The rule of 3 Rs: REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-ekologii-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 92
  • Количество скачиваний: 0