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Презентация на тему Adjective. Productive suffixes

Productive suffixes
Adjective Productive suffixes compare: Participles used adjectivally The order of adjectives Adjectives in the noun-phrase1. Attributive position (before a modified noun):e.g. A big Adjectives used ONLY predicatively Adjectives used ONLY attributively Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives Types of ComparisonWith GRADABLE adjectives, three types of comparison are possible:→ to The Degrees of Comparison The Degrees of Comparison in Collocations Tricky cases Substantivized Adjectives/Adjectival Nouns
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Productive suffixes

Productive suffixes

Слайд 3 compare:


Слайд 4 Participles used adjectivally

Participles used adjectivally

Слайд 5 The order of adjectives

The order of adjectives

Слайд 6 Adjectives in the noun-phrase
1. Attributive position (before a

Adjectives in the noun-phrase1. Attributive position (before a modified noun):e.g. A

modified noun):
e.g. A big red scarf was hiding her

2. Predicative position (after the link-verb):
e.g. She was hiding her face in the red scarf that looked too big for her

Most adjectives may be used BOTH ways, BUT:

Слайд 7 Adjectives used ONLY predicatively

Adjectives used ONLY predicatively

Слайд 8 Adjectives used ONLY attributively

Adjectives used ONLY attributively

Слайд 9 Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives

Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives

Слайд 10 Types of Comparison
With GRADABLE adjectives, three types of

Types of ComparisonWith GRADABLE adjectives, three types of comparison are possible:→

comparison are possible:
→ to a higher degree (positive/ comparative/

↔ the same degree ( as … as/ not so … as)
← to a lower degree ( less/ least)

Слайд 11 The Degrees of Comparison

The Degrees of Comparison

Слайд 12 The Degrees of Comparison in Collocations

The Degrees of Comparison in Collocations

Слайд 13 Tricky cases

Tricky cases

  • Имя файла: adjective-productive-suffixes.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0