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Презентация на тему Викторина Who is the cleverest?

A quiz – lesson “Who is the cleverest?!”
Манучарова Лусинэ Альбертовна	учитель английского языкаМОУ СОШ №3г.ПодольскаМосковской области A quiz – lesson “Who is  the cleverest?!” Complete the verb chart Find the mistakes and correct them:1) The dog showed its tooth and we stopped. 2) Deers are such beautiful    animals ! 3) These men is photographers,   they'd like to take pictures. 4) There are five childs in the       Browns family. 5) Sheeps eat grass like cows. 6) Geese is usually white or   grey. 7) You can teach your mouses 8) My mother is the best of all womans in the world. Put the verbs in the right form:Yesterday I met a woman who 2) Yesterday I saw white geese which (be) _____ flying in the sky. 3) Tess has long light hair which     (be) ____ very beautiful. 4) You can take the money which     (be) ____ on the table. 5) Listen! The mice (be) ____ 6) These animals have strong teeth which (be) ___ very big. 7) (be) ______ these children   your friends? 8) This man (be) ___ our doctor. 9) This man (be) ___ our doctor. 10) I can tell you the news which     (be) ______ wonderful. Compare the objectsLarge (lake, sea, ocean)Big (village, town, city)Fast (bike, car, plane)Popular Translate the adjective:Nick is (сильнее) than Pete.Ann is 1. Benny … … a toy bear.2. How many parrots … Mike Guess what word is hiddenstionuqe inrestet anmali aswenr unveityrsi prosionfes Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 A quiz – lesson “Who is the cleverest?!”

A quiz – lesson “Who is the cleverest?!”

Слайд 3
Complete the verb chart

Complete the verb chart

Слайд 4 Find the mistakes and correct them:
1) The dog

Find the mistakes and correct them:1) The dog showed its tooth and we stopped.

showed its tooth and we stopped.

Слайд 5 2) Deers are such beautiful

2) Deers are such beautiful  animals !

animals !

Слайд 6 3) These men is photographers,

3) These men is photographers,  they'd like to take pictures.

like to take pictures.

Слайд 7 4) There are five childs in the

4) There are five childs in the    Browns family.

Browns family.

Слайд 8
5) Sheeps eat grass like cows.

5) Sheeps eat grass like cows.

Слайд 9 6) Geese is usually white or

6) Geese is usually white or  grey.


Слайд 10 7) You can teach your mouses

7) You can teach your mouses      some tricks.



Слайд 11

8) My mother is the best of all

8) My mother is the best of all womans in the world.

womans in the world.

Слайд 12

Kate's story

Kate's story (to be going to)

It is morning. It is 7 o'clock. I am getting up and I am going to wash, dress and have breakfast.
It is 8 o'clock. I am going to school with my friends. We are at the English lesson now. I am opening the book. I am going to read the text.
The lessons are over. I am going home. I am going to have dinner.
It is 4 o'clock. I am going to do my home work. I am going to watch TV in the evening.
It is 9 o'clock. I am going to bed.

Слайд 13 Put the verbs in the right form:
Yesterday I

Put the verbs in the right form:Yesterday I met a woman

met a woman who (be) ____very friendly to me.

Слайд 14 2) Yesterday I saw white geese

which (be)

2) Yesterday I saw white geese which (be) _____ flying in the sky.

_____ flying in the sky.

Слайд 15 3) Tess has long light hair which

3) Tess has long light hair which   (be) ____ very beautiful.

(be) ____ very beautiful.

Слайд 16 4) You can take the money which

4) You can take the money which   (be) ____ on the table.

(be) ____ on the table.

Слайд 17
5) Listen! The mice (be) ____

5) Listen! The mice (be) ____

under the floor.

Слайд 18 6) These animals have strong

teeth which

6) These animals have strong teeth which (be) ___ very big.

(be) ___ very big.

Слайд 19 7) (be) ______ these children


7) (be) ______ these children  your friends?


Слайд 20 8) This man (be) ___ our doctor.

8) This man (be) ___ our doctor.

Слайд 21 9) This man (be) ___ our doctor.

9) This man (be) ___ our doctor.

Слайд 22 10) I can tell you the news which

10) I can tell you the news which   (be) ______ wonderful.

(be) ______ wonderful.

Слайд 23 Compare the objects
Large (lake, sea, ocean)
Big (village, town,

Compare the objectsLarge (lake, sea, ocean)Big (village, town, city)Fast (bike, car,

Fast (bike, car, plane)
Popular (theatre, cinema, TV)
Old (son, father,

Interesting (story, book, film)

Слайд 24 Translate the adjective:
Nick is

Translate the adjective:Nick is (сильнее) than Pete.Ann is (самая

(сильнее) than Pete.
Ann is (самая высокая) in our class.

film is (интереснее) than the book.
This is (самая большая) vase in our house.
My friend Tom is (самый лучший)
Jack has (больше) apple-trees in his garden.

Слайд 25

1. Benny … … a toy bear.
2. How

1. Benny … … a toy bear.2. How many parrots …

many parrots … Mike and his brother …?
3. How

many aunts … you …?
4. Ann and Andy … … a puppy and a dog.
5. He … … many sisters.
6. Who … … a brother?

Have got

Has got

Слайд 26
Guess what word is hidden

Guess what word is hiddenstionuqe

Слайд 27


Слайд 28


Слайд 29


Слайд 30


Слайд 31


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-viktorina-who-is-the-cleverest.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 0