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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Химия вокруг нас

Look around! All that we see: from an elementary match to a beautiful blue sky above your head, you can also consider from another point of view - from the point of view of the remarkable
Chemistry around us Made by Leontiev Matvey6 formVysokoye secondary schoolTeacher Misevra I.E. Look around! All that we see: from an elementary match to a History of Glass   The history of glass goes back to Only the purest varieties of quartz sand are used in glassware, in OUR  FOOD PROTEINS FATS VITAMINS AND SO ON...  CARBOHYDRATES HOUSE WE LIVE IN … glass, metal concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, paint, Chemical elements in the human bodyMany scientists believe that in a living Chemical fibersChemical fibers are divided into artificial and capron viscose crimple   acetate  silk a p p l i a n c e s metals alloys polimers semiconductors Soap and detergentsSoap was known to man and, of course, transport… chemistry everywhere metals petrol kerosene F u e winged chemistry aluminium titanium magnesium and other metals electric lamp The chemical composition of stars As the temperature rises, the composition of Chemistry needs to be known
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Слайд 2 Look around! All that we see: from an

Look around! All that we see: from an elementary match to

elementary match to a beautiful blue sky above your

head, you can also consider from another point of view - from the point of view of the remarkable science of chemistry. Yes, yes, the objects with which we are surrounded, which we see every day, without thinking about what they are, can be very surprising and unusual for a chemist.

Слайд 3 History of Glass
The history of

History of Glass  The history of glass goes back to

glass goes back to antiquity. It is known that

in Egypt and Mesopotamia he was able to do it already 6000 years ago. Probably, glass was started to be manufactured later than the first ceramic products, because higher temperatures were required for its production than for clay burning. If only clay is sufficient for the simplest ceramic products, then at least three components are required in the glass composition.

Слайд 4 Only the purest varieties of quartz sand are

Only the purest varieties of quartz sand are used in glassware,

used in glassware, in which the total amount of

contaminants does not exceed 2-3%. Particularly undesirable is the presence of iron, which even in minute amounts (tenths of%) stains the glass in a greenish color. If soda Na2CO3 is added to the sand, it is possible to weld the glass at a lower temperature (200-300 ° C). Such a melt will have less viscous (bubbles are easier to remove during cooking, and products are easier to form). But! Such glass is soluble in water, and products from it are subject to destruction under the influence of atmospheric influences. To impart insolubility to the glass in water, a third component is introduced into it: lime, limestone, chalk. All of them are characterized by the same chemical formula - CaCO3.

Слайд 5 OUR FOOD



SO ON...



glass, metal

HOUSE WE LIVE IN … glass, metal concrete, reinforced concrete, brick,

reinforced concrete,

brick, paint, asbestos. roofing material.
drying oil,

refractory impregnation, nails,

Слайд 7 Chemical elements in the human body
Many scientists believe

Chemical elements in the human bodyMany scientists believe that in a

that in a living organism not only all chemical

elements are present, but each of them performs a certain biological function. Reliably established the role of about 30 chemical elements, without which the human body can not normally exist. These elements are called vital.
The human body consists of 60% water, 34% organic and 6% inorganic substances. The main components of organic substances are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they also include nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. In the inorganic substances of man there are necessarily 22 chemical elements: Ca, P, O, Na, Mg, S, B, Cl, K, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Cr, Si, I, F, Se. Scientists agreed that if the mass fraction of the element in the body exceeds 10-2%, then it should be considered a macro element. The proportion of microelements in the human body is 10-3 - 10-5%. If the content of the element is below 10-5%, it is considered an ultramicroelement.

Слайд 8 Chemical fibers
Chemical fibers are

Chemical fibersChemical fibers are divided into artificial and synthetic

divided into artificial and synthetic fibers. Artificial fibers are

made from natural high-molecular compounds, mainly from cellulose. Synthetic fibers are made from synthetic high-molecular compounds.

Chemical fibers are made in the form of an endless filament consisting of many individual fibers or of a single fiber, or in the form of a staple fiber - short lengths (staples) of untwisted fiber, the length of which corresponds to the length of the fiber of wool or cotton. Staple fiber, like wool or cotton, serves as a semi-product for yarn production. Before spinning, the staple fiber can be mixed with wool or cotton.

Слайд 9


capron viscose crimple  acetate silk

acetate silk

Слайд 10 a p p l i a n c

a p p l i a n c e s metals alloys polimers semiconductors

e s





Слайд 11 Soap and detergents

Soap and detergentsSoap was known to man before

was known to man before the new era of

chronology. Scientists do not have information about the beginning of cooking soap in the Arab countries and China. The earliest written mention of soap in European countries is found in the Roman writer and scientist Pliny the Elder (23-79 gg.). In the treatise "Natural History" (in 37 volumes), which, in essence, was an encyclopedia of natural science knowledge of antiquity, Pliny wrote about the ways of cooking soap with saponification of fats. Moreover, he wrote about a hard and soft soap, obtained using soda and potash, respectively. Previously, for washing clothes used lye, obtained from the treatment of ash water. Most likely it was before it became known that the ash from the burning of fuel of vegetable origin contains potash.

Слайд 12 and, of course, transport…
chemistry everywhere

and, of course, transport… chemistry everywhere metals petrol kerosene F u

F u e l o i l

diesel oil

varnishes and paints

Слайд 13 winged chemistry

and other metals

winged chemistry aluminium titanium magnesium and other metals

Слайд 14

electric lamp   The light bulb

electric lamp
The light

bulb consists of a glass bottle into which the spiral holders are inserted, and from the spiral itself. The spiral is made of tungsten - one of the most refractory metals. Its melting point is 3410 ° C. In addition to high refractoriness, tungsten has another very important property - high plasticity. From 1 kg. tungsten can pull the wire length of 3.5 km, which is enough to manufacture 23 thousand 60-watt light bulbs. The holder is made of molybdenum, an analogue element of tungsten. In the periodic table of DI Mendeleyev, these two elements are in the same subgroup. The most important property of molybdenum is the small coefficient of linear expansion. When heated, it increases in size in the same way as glass. Since molybdenum and glass change their sizes synchronously with heating and cooling, the latter does not crack and therefore the sealing does not fail.

Слайд 15 The chemical composition of stars
As the temperature

The chemical composition of stars As the temperature rises, the composition

rises, the composition of particles that can exist in

the atmosphere of the star becomes simpler. Spectral analysis of stars of the classes O, B, A (temperature from 50 000 to 100 000 C) shows in their atmospheres lines of ionized hydrogen and helium and metal ions, in the class K (5000 C) radicals are already detected, and in class M (3800 C ) - even oxides molecules.

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