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Презентация на тему How to present the results of your work effectively

Public talk Effective presentation
Козицына А.И. Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Зональненская СОШ» Томского района г.ТомскаHow to Public talk     Effective presentation How to present the results of your work effectively?   How Informal presentation Planning an informal presentationWhat are the aims for the presentation?What resources do Before the presentationThink of the way of the beginning of the presentation During the presentationTell the audience about your policy at the beginning of How and What ? Structure.Opening\ greeting and salutation.Feed forward or plan.Big talk Match:Finally…        To start with… “Just love your audience…;  the most important thing is not what
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Public talk Effective presentation

Public talk   Effective presentation

Слайд 3 How to present the results of your work

How to present the results of your work effectively?  How

effectively? How to plan your informal presentation? How to develop

your presentation skills?

Слайд 4 Informal presentation

Informal presentation

Слайд 5 Planning an informal presentation
What are the aims for

Planning an informal presentationWhat are the aims for the presentation?What resources

the presentation?
What resources do we need?
How much time do

we have\ who will keep time?
Who will do what during the presentation?
What will the audience do?
What will we give the audience?

Слайд 6 Before the presentation
Think of the way of the

Before the presentationThink of the way of the beginning of the

beginning of the presentation and the summing up.
Decide if

you wish to give out handouts.
Practise beforehand, checking the timing.
Check any equipment before you begin.

Слайд 7 During the presentation
Tell the audience about your policy

During the presentationTell the audience about your policy at the beginning

at the beginning of the presentation.
Speak slowly and clear.

visual aids.
Try to involve the audience.
Keep eye-contact.
Vary the sound of your voice, the position of your body.
Mind your body-language.
Don’t look into one direction all the time.

Слайд 8 How and What ? Structure.
Opening\ greeting and salutation.
Feed forward

How and What ? Structure.Opening\ greeting and salutation.Feed forward or plan.Big

or plan.
Big talk or main body.
Summary \ summarizing.
Closing\ concluding.

Слайд 9 Match:

Match:Finally…    To start with…    Firstly…

To start with…

Many thanks for your attention.
So let me summarize…
After that…\ Also…
I am going to talk today about…

In conclusion…

In addition…

Слайд 10 “Just love your audience…; the most important thing is

“Just love your audience…; the most important thing is not what

not what you tell them but how you do

it” Look at them and smile!

(Ineke Brussaards)

  • Имя файла: how-to-present-the-results-of-your-work-effectively.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0