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Презентация на тему Are you a green citizen?

What can we do to save the Earth?
Are you a GREEN citizen?Живогина А.Ю. What can we do to save the Earth? Reduce       Reuse Recycle -amount of water we use; -energy consumption;-burning of oil and coal rubbish;-use of cars;-paper consumption;Reduce -old tins, jars, bottles; -writing paper; -water; -clothes; -vegetable peelingsReuse -glass -aluminium -paper -plasticRecycle Use  rechargeableinstead of disposable batteries Don’t let the tap run!!!Try to conserve water! Useenergy-saving light bulbs at home instead of ordinary ones Use cloth or paper bagsRefuse of using plastic bags in supermarkets Turn off computers/ lights/ electronic equipment when you aren’t using them Put vegetable peels on compost heap Earth is the only place  we know of in the universe Water pollutionan oil spill(разлитие нефти)sewage(сточные воды)garbage Oil is just one of many pollutants that people dump into the Air pollutionAir pollution includes all contaminants found in theatmosphere. Every time we VocabularyA contaminant – отравляющее веществоTo inhale a chemical – вдыхать химическое веществоA VocabularyAn environmental concern – проблема окружающей средыTo support human life – поддерживать Questions:1. When did the problem of pollution become dangerous?2. What problems threaten to threaten — угрожать to affect — воздействовать respiratory system — дыхательная
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What can we do to save the Earth?

What can we do to save the Earth?

Слайд 3 Reduce Reuse Recycle

Reduce    Reuse Recycle

Слайд 4 -amount of water we use; -energy consumption;
-burning of oil

-amount of water we use; -energy consumption;-burning of oil and coal rubbish;-use of cars;-paper consumption;Reduce

and coal rubbish;
-use of cars;
-paper consumption;

Слайд 5 -old tins, jars, bottles; -writing paper; -water; -clothes; -vegetable peelings

-old tins, jars, bottles; -writing paper; -water; -clothes; -vegetable peelingsReuse

Слайд 6 -glass -aluminium -paper -plastic

-glass -aluminium -paper -plasticRecycle

Слайд 7 Use rechargeable
instead of disposable

Use rechargeableinstead of disposable batteries

Слайд 8 Don’t let the tap run!!!
Try to conserve water!

Don’t let the tap run!!!Try to conserve water!

Слайд 9 Use
energy-saving light bulbs
at home
instead of ordinary

Useenergy-saving light bulbs at home instead of ordinary ones


Слайд 10 Use
cloth or paper bags
Refuse of using

Use cloth or paper bagsRefuse of using plastic bags in supermarkets

in supermarkets

Слайд 11 Turn off
computers/ lights/
electronic equipment
when you

Turn off computers/ lights/ electronic equipment when you aren’t using them

aren’t using them

Слайд 12 Put vegetable peels on compost heap

Put vegetable peels on compost heap

Слайд 13 Earth is the only place we know of

Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life.

in the universe that can support human life.

Слайд 14 Water pollution
an oil spill
(разлитие нефти)
(сточные воды)

Water pollutionan oil spill(разлитие нефти)sewage(сточные воды)garbage

Слайд 15 Oil is just one of many pollutants that

Oil is just one of many pollutants that people dump into

people dump
into the water.
Every year, 14 billion pounds

of sewage and garbage
and 19 trillion gallons of waste are dumped into
the world’s oceans.

While many countries
have now banned
dumping chemicals
into bodies of water,
it continues to go on

Слайд 16 Air pollution
Air pollution includes all
contaminants found in

Air pollutionAir pollution includes all contaminants found in theatmosphere. Every time

atmosphere. Every time we breathe,
we risk inhaling dangerous

chemicals that have found
their way into the air.
These dangerous substances can be either in form of gases or particles.
The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based, but humans account for the majority of
pollutants released into the air.

Слайд 17 Vocabulary
A contaminant – отравляющее вещество
To inhale a chemical

VocabularyA contaminant – отравляющее веществоTo inhale a chemical – вдыхать химическое

– вдыхать химическое вещество
A dangerous substance – опасное вещество

particle – частица
To account for - быть причиной, вызывать
To release pollutants – выбрасывать загрязняющие вещества

Слайд 18 Vocabulary
An environmental concern – проблема окружающей среды
To support

VocabularyAn environmental concern – проблема окружающей средыTo support human life –

human life – поддерживать человеческую жизнь
Human activities - деятельность

To destroy recourses – разрушать ресурсы
To survive and prosper - выживать и процветать
To recover – восстанавливаться
To discharge pollutants – выбрасывать загрязняющие вещества
A consequence – последствие
An issue – проблема
Overpopulation – перенаселение
Acid rain – кислотный дождь

Слайд 19 Questions:

1. When did the problem of pollution become

Questions:1. When did the problem of pollution become dangerous?2. What problems

2. What problems threaten human lives on the Earth?

Why is air pollution harmful?
4. Is it dangerous to breathe polluted air?
5. What does the burning of fuel and fossil fuels produce?
6. What are the most dangerous pollutants?
7. What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet?
8. Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?

  • Имя файла: are-you-a-green-citizen.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 224
  • Количество скачиваний: 7