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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для 7 класса по теме Благотворительность

UNICEF United Nations International Children's Fund – an organization that helps needy children all over the world. It was founded on the 11-th of December, 1946 by the decision of the UN General Assembly.
http://go.mail.ru/search_imagesInternational Charity Organizations UNICEF  United Nations International Children's Fund  – an organization that Help the AgedIt is a British Charity Organization which collects money and helps old people It is a charity organization which raises money and helps children in It is a large international charity organization that takes care of children Red Cross and Red Crescent organization -an international organization with about The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is a voluntary organization Mother Teresa was famous for donating all her life to charity. She
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 UNICEF United Nations International Children's Fund
– an

UNICEF United Nations International Children's Fund – an organization that helps

organization that helps needy children all over the world.

It was founded on the 11-th of December, 1946 by the decision of the UN General Assembly.

Слайд 3 Help the Aged
It is a British Charity Organization

Help the AgedIt is a British Charity Organization which collects money and helps old people

which collects money and helps old people

Слайд 4 It is a charity organization which raises money

It is a charity organization which raises money and helps children

and helps children in Britain and all over the


Children in Need

Слайд 5 It is a large international charity organization that

It is a large international charity organization that takes care of

takes care of children in poor countries
Save the Children

Слайд 6 Red Cross and Red Crescent organization
-an international

Red Cross and Red Crescent organization -an international organization with

organization with about 97 volunteers all over the world.

It protects people’s lives and supports people suffering from wars and natural disasters. It was founded in 1859. It’s organizer was Anry Duran

Слайд 7 The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is

to Animals is a British charity organization which protects

animals. The society was founded in 1824 to stop cruel treatment of animals. It campaigned through out the 19th century for government action and this resulted in the protection of Animals Act,1911. It depends mainly on donations.


Слайд 8 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is a voluntary

is a voluntary organization (charity) in Britain founded in

1889 with the aim of protecting wild birds. It has over 200,000 members.


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-dlya-7-klassa-po-teme-blagotvoritelnost.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 183
  • Количество скачиваний: 1