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Презентация на тему на английском языке на тему Молодёжная субкультура. Способы самовыражения

Introduction Everybody of us is a Human being . And all of us have a great amount of opportunities, but only 24 hours per day for their execution. Our life is limited and it depends mostly on what
Self-expressionПрипадчева Н.В., Учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ №10» Introduction		Everybody of us is a Human being . And all of us There are a lot of self-expression opportunities you can do.		For example:All kinds Street art	Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted S u b c u l t u r e		A subculture is There is a great number of subcultures:GothEmoPunksHippieHip-hoppersFreaksRastaBikers Career		You may do sports, be an actor of theatre or cinema. And Thanks=)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
Everybody of us is a Human being .

Introduction		Everybody of us is a Human being . And all of

And all of us have a great amount of

opportunities, but only 24 hours per day for their execution.
Our life is limited and it depends mostly on what each person is spending time for.
So everybody should think now about what you would like to do during your life.

Слайд 3 There are a lot of self-expression opportunities you

There are a lot of self-expression opportunities you can do.		For example:All

can do.
For example:
All kinds of sport;
Being a volunteer;

Different clothes;
And even more…

Слайд 4 Street art
Graffiti is the name for images or

Street art	Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled,

lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner

on property

Слайд 9 S u b c u l t u

S u b c u l t u r e		A subculture

r e
A subculture is a group of people with

a culture which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong.

Слайд 10 There is a great number of subcultures:

There is a great number of subcultures:GothEmoPunksHippieHip-hoppersFreaksRastaBikers

Слайд 15 Career
You may do sports, be an actor of

Career		You may do sports, be an actor of theatre or cinema.

theatre or cinema. And of course you can continue

your education and become simply a rich person. This can be your self-expression too. Check out last couple of pictures.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angliyskom-yazyke-na-temu-molodyozhnaya-subkultura-sposoby-samovyrazheniya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0