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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему: British schools

British schools.East Square London School.
schOOl British schools.East Square London School. 1. Martin Oldfield – Мартин Оулдфилд2. School newspaper “School friends”- школьная газета 11East Square London SchoolForeign languages and HistoryForeign languages and table tennisBlue skirts INTRODUCE YOURSELF.My name is …I am …I study in the … form.My English, Maths, English, Maths,Information Technology(IT),Information Technology (IT), Art, Science, English Literature, History, I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I Выберете к каждому вопросу ответ:1. На уроке я работал
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 British schools.
East Square London School.

British schools.East Square London School.

Слайд 4 1. Martin Oldfield – Мартин Оулдфилд
2. School newspaper

1. Martin Oldfield – Мартин Оулдфилд2. School newspaper “School friends”- школьная

“School friends”- школьная газета «Школьные друзья»
3. Form - класс

Jess Hassett – Джесс Хэссэт
5. I’m a first-year student at a secondary school - я учусь первый год в средней школе
6. East Square School in London
7. Blue skirts and coats with white blouses for girls – синие юбки и жилетки с белыми блузками для девочек
8. Blue sweater, black trousers for boys – cиние свитера, черные брюки для мальчиков
9. Foreign languages and table tennis – иностранные языки и настольный теннис.

Слайд 5 11
East Square London School
Foreign languages and History
Foreign languages

11East Square London SchoolForeign languages and HistoryForeign languages and table tennisBlue

and table tennis
Blue skirts and coats with white blouse

for girls, blue sweater and black trousers for boys

My name is …
I am …
I study

INTRODUCE YOURSELF.My name is …I am …I study in the …

in the … form.
My favourite subject(s) is/are …
My hobby/

hobbies is/are …
My school uniform is …

Слайд 8 English, Maths,
English, Maths,
Information Technology(IT),
Information Technology (IT),

English, Maths, English, Maths,Information Technology(IT),Information Technology (IT), Art, Science, English Literature,

Science, English Literature, History, Drama,
Art, Science, History, Russian

Education (PE), French,

Physical Education (PE), Russian

Music, German.

Music, Geography.

Слайд 10 I usually get up

I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I walk

at 7 o’clock. I walk to school. I have

5 or 6 lessons a day. I teach 10-year-old students at the East Square London School.
In the lesson we speak English, ask and answer questions, read and translate, play games and write tests.
There are a lot of school clubs at our school such as Singing club, Tennis club, Musicians’ club, Dancing club, Computer club, Drawing club, Chess club, Travellers club.
At home I cook dinner for my family. Then I watch TV and go to bed at about 11 o’clock.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-5-klasse-na-temu-british-schools.pptx
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